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UF researchers find those who get flu vaccine less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19


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http://UF researchers find those who get flu vaccine less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19

This is significant and it makes sense.

"There’s new motivation to get your flu shot this season. Studies are finding that the flu vaccine might protect against severe complications from COVID-19.

University of Florida Health researchers just published a study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine that found a strong link between the flu shot and staying out of the hospital with the coronavirus.

“The flu vaccine still does all the things it normally does for the flu, which is why every year, primary care doctors tell you go get your flu shot,” said Dr. Nicholas Dorsey, a researcher on the study and the assistant professor for community health and family medicine at the University of Florida. “Now you add this extra layer that maybe there’s some protection from COVID as well in the severity of the disease, so I think it’s a two for one shot.”

Researchers said they reviewed patient data for over 2,000 Floridians who got the flu shot and later ended up with COVID-19..."


It tends to indicate that it beats wearing a full-face mask.


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Take a load of this from the same article...

"Americans are not the only scientists looking at the connection between the flu shot and the coronavirus. Researchers in the Netherlands also published early findings in the Scientific American Journal on what they discovered about healthcare workers treating patients on the frontlines. The European study found doctors and nurses who already had the flu shot were less likely to contract COVID-19."

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48 minutes ago, M&P15T said:

Medically it doesn't make any sense. They're two completely different RNA viruses.

Correlation does not equal causation. 

Regardless of their reputations as party animals, Seminoles and Nether-ye-ye, their findings do shed light of a previous lightly publicized observation.

So who, or what exactly,  states that coronavirus and influenza are entirely dissimilar?  Is it based entirely on the fact that one is positive-sense single-stranded while the other is not?

Are those the same people that believe that rubbing/touching your eyes with virus-infected hands will not transmit the infection? Or if someone sneezes beside you and your eyes are uncovered, but you are wearing a nose-and-mouth mask, that you are reasonably good-to-go?


Yes, it makes medical sense because obviously it  seems to be making a difference in the gravity of the infection.

Yes, it makes sense because it seems to be having an effect by acting on the similarities between them:

Both coronavirus and influenza are single-stranded RNA viruses.

They are enveloped viruses.

They attack the respiratory system of humans.

Both can cause mild to severe diseases including fevers, tiredness, coughing and pneumonia.

Their infections spread through the air and by contact...


It is a misconception that correlation can never equal causation, when in reality, there are situations in which you can use correlation to infer causation. And that's a fact.

Of course, people who are wary of becoming infected are always free to wait until a select ad hoc committee of scientists releases its findings, say three-and-a-half (3.5) years from now. Or as some would say, in time for the next election cycle. Because...you know...science.

It seems to me that it is foolish to disregard the findings of the "party animals". Makes sense?

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Maybe all single stranded RNA's taste the same to white blood cells? I'm only half joking because so many major improvements in medicine occurred by accident.

During the civil war, the surgeon DR Lister had a strange quirk, he washed his hands between patients. He also had a better survival rate. Remember him next time you buy Listerene!

Penicillin was discovered on bread in sewers of London.

The Hanta virus was discovered in dried mouse urine in the Navajo Reservation by CDC, because New Mexico does all autopsies in one place and a doctor recognized unexpected pneumonia deaths in 2 unrelated cases. Hanta virus is now known to exist world wide.

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Meh, there have been so many "studies", "Predictions",  and mayhem from so many "experts" is is hard to say.

Had the powers that be NOT, lied, altered numbers, altered diagnosis, altered death certificates, blocked treatments, placed a monetary value on deaths and treatment, put .mil hospitals in place for the mayhem that didn't treat a patient, and a host of other things to include coming up with a vaccine in a few months for a virus class that has never had one in the history of the world, they might have a little more credibility.

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14 hours ago, tadbart said:

Wait. Your sample is 2000 FLORIDIANS???


You are obviously not including the pesticide, zika, methamphetamine, UV radiation, humidity, and other confounding factors into the mix. Tell me when this research works in IOWA.

It also does not include the two-thirds of all men and 50% of women who do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Or the additional percentage of the ones who do wash them but grab the door handle with their bare hands on their way out.

The Netherlands study found increased cytokine production on those who had the flu shot before becoming infected with COVID-19. Which is a good thing, and it refers to other studies showing the same effect, even with other vaccines. Caveat, of course, because after contracting the coronavirus, in the later stages, increased cytokine production can be outright harmful, if not deadly.

In all of this, it is easily forgotten, due to short term memory loss, that the earliest models predicted over 2.2 million deaths in the US. Not including those who cracked their skulls while riding a bike on I-75 but had somehow acquired the virus, among others. 

From the Netherlands report, "For now, though, there are still more questions than answers. “As far as telling people, ‘You should go get a flu vaccine because it can protect you from COVID,’ that's a little bit of a stretch at this point,” Foxman says. But, she adds, people should still go get the flu shot—because, at the very least, “it’s going to protect you from the flu.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-flu-shot-might-reduce-coronavirus-infections-early-research-suggests/

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I get a flu shot 'cause it's the only way I can get my wife to get one.

I have never gotten the flu, even when my wife gets it so bad she gets hospitalized for it and I have to take care of her.

When I was a kid, I ate dirt!  Germs fear me!

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Correlation does not equal causation.  In this case, the people who bother to get the flu shot are also more likely to be the people who take better care of their health in other ways that contribute positively to their Covid outcome.  Even the article mentions that.  There is not enough evidence to conclude that that it was the flu shot itself that caused the better outcomes.  The study is preliminary and has not been peer-reviewed.  Even if it turns out to be the case that the flu vaccine does provide some effect, the difference between the two groups in term of infection rate was less than 1%.  I'm not taking the flu vaccine to improve my chances of not getting the 'Rona by less than 1%.  In the interest of full disclosure, I probably had the 'Rona back at the beginning of March, and was unimpressed. Also, I have had the flu maybe twice in my life, and was miserable for 3 days, and tired for a week, but not enough to let the stabby stab people near me.  I have been the recipient of too many medical mistakes to let them near me for anything that gives them another opportunity to really screw me up.  YMMV, and that's ok, as long as you don't legally require me to take the damn vaccine.

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2 hours ago, Ricordo said:

It also does not include the two-thirds of all men and 50% of women who do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Or the additional percentage of the ones who do wash them but grab the door handle with their bare hands on their way out.

For all that is known, that choice might provide COVID-19 protection.

But I sure as heck ain't tryin' it. A bottle of 95% laboratory-grade  ethyl alcohol costs as much as a box of 9mm ammo. ?

It all boils down to options, choices. And the free will to either accept or reject.

EDIT: Of course, the medical observations in the reports could always be an intended result of Russian disinformation.

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Spent decades in emergency medicine. Flu shot isn't perfect because they must start production long before it's known EXACTLY which flu strains will bless us this year, but it's better than nothing. Flu kills. Or if you're in good shape age and health wise, makes you wish you'd hurry up and die and get it over with (speaking from observations and personal experience). That's all I need, even if employers don't mandate it every year for those who come in contact with patients.


If it's found to minimize covig19 symptoms, hallelujah!


Am I the only one that notices SOME people trying to do something dumb will often add "Right" or "Free will" to the list of reasons?

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10 minutes ago, Paul53 said:

Am I the only one that notices SOME people trying to do something dumb will often add "Right" or "Free will" to the list of reasons?

Regarding the washing of hands after using the bathroom it's even funnier. If you ask them, some will actually answer that they washed their hands. Right after you saw them and you were not hallucinating.  Short-term memory loss at work?

Hey, it could be something in the water...which could technically  not be a contributing  factor since we all drink it.

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53 minutes ago, Fnfalman said:

Ever since I decided to take the annual flu shots ten years ago, I’ve never had the flu. Cold, yes, other ailments, yes. But not the flu. 

before that, some years I get the flu and some years I don’t. YMMV. 


I haven't had the flu in decades and NEVER get the shot.

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But,..but... dontcha know them flew shots, and alla them other vack-seens is jes a gummint conspiracy to poll-ute our precious bodily fluids????


An now, they got them trackers they put in them vack-seens so's they can track ya from them saddle-lites.

Ya kin laff if'n ya wanna,but I'm a-gonna kepe linin' my hats with dubbel layer tin foil.

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A TNT exclusive. What a wonderful opportunity!

The first person that evidences here reporting by the big leftist media (PRAVDA and GRANMA included) of the articles by UF and the Netherlands will win the following:


A box of ammo that someone has valued at $1,000.00!

You must be 18 to win. If under 18, your parent's written authorization must be provided. If all goes well and I don't die of COVID-19 by then, hopefully will be delivered in Tampa and lunch's on me. Offer valid until the pandemic is over, that is, November 4th.

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On 10/31/2020 at 8:16 AM, M&P15T said:

Medically it doesn't make any sense. They're two completely different RNA viruses.

Correlation does not equal causation. 

So what?  We compare our current medical science to what it was 100 years ago and think we are so smart.  We don't know ****.  There are a zillion reasons it might work that we don't understand but rather than accept that we come up with reasons why it doesn't fit our bullshit preconceived (and likely wrong) reasons why it shouldn't.  We are worse than ignorant, we are ignorant and we think we know.  That is what irritates me the most about this covid ****.  They act like they know what they are talking about.  If you have learned one thing for all of this it should be we know exactly DICK about viruses.  The evidence of that is everywhere but that makes people uncomfortable so they ignore it.

All that said, the study may be flawed.  I must say though, I have wondered if the flu shot has an effect one way or another.  I personally suspect a positive effect, anything that exercises the immune system I figure is a good thing.

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I got the flu shot like 15 years ago i got it for free doing security at a mock pandemic/invasion type thing the state did. Damn too think about it that was rright after 9/11.  I have never got the flu shot since then have never got the flu. Knock on wood. I took my 80 year old mom to get hers the other day she feel good getting one and her doc recommends it and if it keeps her healthy then so be it. She gets one every year and has not had it. If i get it so be it damn sure dont want ma getting it. 

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