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Schmidt Meister's Grab Bag

Schmidt Meister

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Randy staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddies. He took off his shoes to avoid waking up his wife, Kathleen.
He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful.
Managing not to yell, Randy sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his butt cheeks were cut and bleeding. He managed to quietly find a full box of Band-Aids and began putting a Band-Aid as best as he could on each place he saw blood.
When he finished he shuffled and stumbled his way to bed.
In the morning, Randy woke up with searing pain in both his head and butt and Kathleen staring at him from across the room.
She said, ‘You got stupid drunk again last night, didn’t you?’
Randy said, ‘What makes you think that?’
‘Well,’ Kathleen said, ‘it could be the open front door, it could be the broken glass at the bottom of the stairs, it could be the drops of blood trailing through the house, it could be your bloodshot eyes, but mostly … it’s all those Band-Aids stuck on the hall mirror.

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Summer in the South means Mimosa Trees are displaying canopies of gorgeous feathery leaves filled with awesome pink blooms everywhere you look, and getting a whole lot of hate for it.
Mimosa Trees, or Persian Silk Trees, arrived in the South in 1745 and have been contributing some much needed color to our summer months ever since.
There are a lot of complaints lodged against Mimosa Trees that I hear.
Do Mimosa Trees put off an insane amount of seed pods that can create quite the mess? Yes, but Magnolias put off an insane amount of leaves that can create quite the mess, yet it's still pretty much considered a sin in the South to speak ill of 'em.
Also, are we we just going to ignore the fact that Pecan Trees are self-pruning and thus will frequently drop massive branches on whatever is parked beneath it.
There's also the gripe about Mimosa Trees being invasive, which they definitely are, but you know what else is invasive? The honeysuckle so many Southerners, and snakes, think of fondly and adore.
All I'm saying is every plant has its flaws, but there's a lot to appreciate about Mimosa Trees too.
After all, there aren't many trees willing to serve up such bright, colorful blooms during the oppressive humidity and drought that comes along with summers of the South, and most of the ones that do are praised for it. Why are Magnolia Trees and Crepe Myrtles beloved while Mimosa Trees are referred to as weeds?
At least some folks call them "pretty weeds," because make no mistake, Mimosa Trees are very pretty and offer a little divergence from the tones of green and brown most trees display in the summer.
All you have to do is take a drive down almost any Southern highway during the summer, and you'll find Mimosa Trees offering a break from the otherwise monotone roadside tree line thanks to its bright pops of pink.
So yes, you probably shouldn't plant a Mimosa Tree in your yard, but that doesn't mean they deserve so much flak for offering the South a little vibrancy. Save your criticism for when it's really needed, like when the flowered stink bombs that are Ligustrum’s start smelling up the place.

Mimosa Trees - It's A Southern Thing.jpg

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The controversial Georgia Guidestones, a monument located in Georgia, has been partially destroyed after reports of an explosion.
“Investigators said unknown people detonated an explosive device at around 4 a.m,” reports Fox 5 Atlanta. No one was injured as a result of the incident.
One of the “wings” of the monument was completely destroyed by the blast, which occurred despite constant monitoring of the site with cameras that feed back to a 911 call center.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation responded to the explosion by sending the bomb squad. Drone footage shows that the tourist attraction has suffered extensive damage.
The monument has attracted opposition amongst some due to its creepy inscriptions, which call for “maintaining humanity under 500 million,” a figure which the world hasn’t seen since the 1500’s and would require outright mass genocide to achieve.
The stones also call for the imposition of a “world court” and demands humans “be not a cancer on the Earth.”
The Georgia Guidestones were built in 1980 at a cost of $500,000 dollars on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” who remain anonymous to this day, but is believed to include philanthropist and population control-enthusiast Ted Turner.
Turner has repeatedly advocated for a 95 percent population reduction and attends weird confabs with the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros to discuss how globalists could use their wealth to “slow the growth of the world’s population.”


Georgia Guidestones.jpg

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1 hour ago, Schmidt Meister said:

The controversial Georgia Guidestones, a monument located in Georgia, has been partially destroyed after reports of an explosion.
“Investigators said unknown people detonated an explosive device at around 4 a.m,” reports Fox 5 Atlanta. No one was injured as a result of the incident.
One of the “wings” of the monument was completely destroyed by the blast, which occurred despite constant monitoring of the site with cameras that feed back to a 911 call center.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation responded to the explosion by sending the bomb squad. Drone footage shows that the tourist attraction has suffered extensive damage.
The monument has attracted opposition amongst some due to its creepy inscriptions, which call for “maintaining humanity under 500 million,” a figure which the world hasn’t seen since the 1500’s and would require outright mass genocide to achieve.
The stones also call for the imposition of a “world court” and demands humans “be not a cancer on the Earth.”
The Georgia Guidestones were built in 1980 at a cost of $500,000 dollars on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” who remain anonymous to this day, but is believed to include philanthropist and population control-enthusiast Ted Turner.
Turner has repeatedly advocated for a 95 percent population reduction and attends weird confabs with the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros to discuss how globalists could use their wealth to “slow the growth of the world’s population.”


Georgia Guidestones.jpg

Shame. Even monuments of which I personally disapprove should not be maliciously destroyed. 

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R.I.P. Baxter Black - 6.11.2022. Most people will look at this and find it corny but it's old school comedy and it's also a slight old school slap at the vegetarians, who need slapping. This is Baxter Black, Cowboy Poet on The Johnny Carson Show, January 8th, 1987 as he does Vegetarian's Nightmare.


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2 hours ago, Schmidt Meister said:

R.I.P. Baxter Black - 6.11.2022. Most people will look at this and find it corny but it's old school comedy and it's also a slight old school slap at the vegetarians, who need slapping. This is Baxter Black, Cowboy Poet on The Johnny Carson Show, January 8th, 1987 as he does Vegetarian's Nightmare.


Back when I could stand to listen to NPR he had segments with some regularity. Guess they grew away from him.

Curious how the DIE mantra (Diversity Inclusion Equity) never seems to have room for conservatives. 

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On 7/6/2022 at 2:27 PM, Schmidt Meister said:

The controversial Georgia Guidestones, a monument located in Georgia, has been partially destroyed after reports of an explosion.
“Investigators said unknown people detonated an explosive device at around 4 a.m,” reports Fox 5 Atlanta. No one was injured as a result of the incident.
One of the “wings” of the monument was completely destroyed by the blast, which occurred despite constant monitoring of the site with cameras that feed back to a 911 call center.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation responded to the explosion by sending the bomb squad. Drone footage shows that the tourist attraction has suffered extensive damage.
The monument has attracted opposition amongst some due to its creepy inscriptions, which call for “maintaining humanity under 500 million,” a figure which the world hasn’t seen since the 1500’s and would require outright mass genocide to achieve.
The stones also call for the imposition of a “world court” and demands humans “be not a cancer on the Earth.”
The Georgia Guidestones were built in 1980 at a cost of $500,000 dollars on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” who remain anonymous to this day, but is believed to include philanthropist and population control-enthusiast Ted Turner.
Turner has repeatedly advocated for a 95 percent population reduction and attends weird confabs with the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros to discuss how globalists could use their wealth to “slow the growth of the world’s population.”


Georgia Guidestones.jpg


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