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A rancher pointed out if we feed grain to fatten up cattle, why do our nutrition scientist think that would not be true for humans. That what the change food chart did in the 1970 and after that obesity rules, more grain more fat.




Why Red Meat Negative Health Claims are False

"The World Economic Forum, assisted by food researchers in academia, wants you to believe that meat is unhealthy compared to soy, tofu, insect and fungus protein diets. Statistical workings of food research are presented here to show this is not true. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are used in studies of population cohorts. Years later, this information together with health outcome observations are combined in statistical analyses. These analyses easily lead to over 20,000 food−disease associations tested in a typical FFQ study – called multiple testing. Researchers can then search thru and select and only report the results they want, but many of these can be false. Red meat is not unhealthy. It is belief of deceptive statistical practices and false claims from academic food researchers that are unhealthy."


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3 hours ago, pipedreams said:

A rancher pointed out if we feed grain to fatten up cattle, why do our nutrition scientist think that would not be true for humans. That what the change food chart did in the 1970 and after that obesity rules, more grain more fat.




Why Red Meat Negative Health Claims are False

"The World Economic Forum, assisted by food researchers in academia, wants you to believe that meat is unhealthy compared to soy, tofu, insect and fungus protein diets. Statistical workings of food research are presented here to show this is not true. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are used in studies of population cohorts. Years later, this information together with health outcome observations are combined in statistical analyses. These analyses easily lead to over 20,000 food−disease associations tested in a typical FFQ study – called multiple testing. Researchers can then search thru and select and only report the results they want, but many of these can be false. Red meat is not unhealthy. It is belief of deceptive statistical practices and false claims from academic food researchers that are unhealthy."




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3 hours ago, pipedreams said:

A rancher pointed out if we feed grain to fatten up cattle, why do our nutrition scientist think that would not be true for humans. That what the change food chart did in the 1970 and after that obesity rules, more grain more fat.




Why Red Meat Negative Health Claims are False

"The World Economic Forum, assisted by food researchers in academia, wants you to believe that meat is unhealthy compared to soy, tofu, insect and fungus protein diets. Statistical workings of food research are presented here to show this is not true. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are used in studies of population cohorts. Years later, this information together with health outcome observations are combined in statistical analyses. These analyses easily lead to over 20,000 food−disease associations tested in a typical FFQ study – called multiple testing. Researchers can then search thru and select and only report the results they want, but many of these can be false. Red meat is not unhealthy. It is belief of deceptive statistical practices and false claims from academic food researchers that are unhealthy."



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4 hours ago, railfancwb said:



Mackay, T[homas] (1848–1912) in 1891

In a letter to The National Observer (a British newpaper published between 1888 and 1897) in 1891, T Mackay, presumably Thomas Mackay (1849-1912), social theorist and writer on just such questions, wrote that

It has been wittily remarked that there are three kinds of falsehood: the first is a ‘fib,’ the second is a downright lie, and the third and most aggravated is statistics.

A pdf file of the complete article can be obtained by clicking here and the LaTeX source is here.

Marshall, Alfred (1842–1924) in 1892


https://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/lies.htm#:~:text=Mackay%2C T[homas] (1848–1912) in 1891&text=It has been wittily remarked,and most aggravated is statistics.

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Tammy Shaw saw it happen on Aug. 4 in Silver Springs in Marion County. Shaw said she was paddling through the spring on her inflatable paddle board when she came upon the encounter.
“I was fascinated just by the sheer size of the gator and the one he was eating,” Shaw said. “I wasn’t too afraid because he was obviously busy but when he went under the water, I was a bit concerned where he was gonna pop up.”
Shaw posted the video on a Facebook group called Alligators of Florida.
The alligator, dubbed Big Head Fred, can be seen with a much smaller alligator in his jaws. The alligator then swings the smaller creature back and slams it into the ground. It is unclear whether the smaller alligator is already dead at the time, but it appears motionless.
Big Head Fred then swings the alligator back once again and pummels it to the ground.
This alligator has been known to eat other alligators before, and it is not uncommon for the reptiles to indulge in cannibalism.
Alligators may eat each other for multiple reasons. They are extremely territorial creatures, which can provoke them into killing and eating each other. Survival may be another reason for this behavior, depending on what other sources of prey are available.

The video is really short but it does show a good sized alligator slapping a smaller alligator against the water.


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6 minutes ago, Schmidt Meister said:

Tammy Shaw saw it happen on Aug. 4 in Silver Springs in Marion County. Shaw said she was paddling through the spring on her inflatable paddle board when she came upon the encounter.
“I was fascinated just by the sheer size of the gator and the one he was eating,” Shaw said. “I wasn’t too afraid because he was obviously busy but when he went under the water, I was a bit concerned where he was gonna pop up.”
Shaw posted the video on a Facebook group called Alligators of Florida.
The alligator, dubbed Big Head Fred, can be seen with a much smaller alligator in his jaws. The alligator then swings the smaller creature back and slams it into the ground. It is unclear whether the smaller alligator is already dead at the time, but it appears motionless.
Big Head Fred then swings the alligator back once again and pummels it to the ground.
This alligator has been known to eat other alligators before, and it is not uncommon for the reptiles to indulge in cannibalism.
Alligators may eat each other for multiple reasons. They are extremely territorial creatures, which can provoke them into killing and eating each other. Survival may be another reason for this behavior, depending on what other sources of prey are available.

The video is really short but it does show a good sized alligator slapping a smaller alligator against the water.


"THEY" say that just about every Florida "lake" has an Alligator.. I think that is true only if the "lakes" are connected....(not just a pond, But I ain't swimming in any of them)

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Just now, DAKA said:

"THEY" say that just about every Florida "lake" has an Alligator.. I think that is true only if the "lakes" are connected....(not just a pond, But I ain't swimming in any of them)

Few years ago a gater in a pond near a DisneyWorld hotel got a guest’s small child.  

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How do you take something as asinine and perverted as the LGBTQ?+XYZ movement and make it even more asinine and perverted … and beyond the scope of believability?
Healthline Warns of Pregnancy From Lesbian Sex.
Leftists have subordinated the healthcare sector to moonbattery. This entails discarding objective reality in favor of their depraved ideology. For example, Healthline warns of the dangers of pregnancy resulting from lesbian sex:
On August 1, medical information and lifestyle site Healthline updated a guidance article titled “How Do Lesbians Have Sex? 28 Things to Know Before Your First Time”
Liberals cannot define the word “woman,” so it should come as no surprise that they don’t know what “lesbian” means either.
“‘Lesbian sex’ isn’t limited to cisgender couples. It also includes other people who have vaginas, people with penises, and people with intersex genitalia,” the article states, continuing: “So, whatever counts as ‘lesbian sex’ is really up to whoever is doing it.” The guidance also suggests both partners involved in the “lesbian sex” may have a penis, and also advises on the best positions for anal sex.
In short, the word lesbian no longer has any meaning. This is true of any word liberals get their hands on, “racism” being the most obvious example.
Here’s why abortion is so important even to lesbians:
“It’s possible to get pregnant if one partner has a penis and another has a vagina,” it says, continuing: “often people assume that lesbians can’t get pregnant, or that lesbian sex can’t result in pregnancy. That’s a myth based on the assumption that both women are cisgender … If one partner is transgender and has a penis and the other is cisgender and has a vagina, they can have penis-in-vagina sex.”
Not all lesbians are on board with being redefined out of existence along with women in general on behalf of the trans agenda:
Canadian lesbian activist Eva Kurilova rejected the suggestions as being “outright harmful” to same-sex attracted women.
Complains Kurilova,
“This kind of messaging makes it harder for lesbians to maintain sexual boundaries and refuse the advances of males who ‘identify’ as lesbians.”
This is because declining to have sex with them would be transphobic and therefore thoughtcrime.
Transsexuals exploit their position at the top of the Cultural Marxist Totem Pole of Oppressedness to lord it over everybody, even other groups that have achieved power by identifying as sexually deranged. This has even gotten physical:
On August 7, a lesbian activist in Germany filed a police report after being assaulted by trans activists at the Dyke March Hamburg for holding a sign which defined lesbian as a “female homosexual.”
No wonder the LGBT coalition is starting to crack up, with “LGB drop the T” trending on Twitter. The broader Cultural Marxist alliance will follow. With luck, it will collapse in on itself in a frenzy of bickering over who is more oppressed before it is able to achieve its purpose of destroying civilization.


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