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3 hours ago, crockett said:

PS: stop spamming photos found on the internet, take your own photos and share! Get out there!

Oh, get over it. :anim_lol:You enjoy sittin a van by the water all day lookin at the water, with all the comforts of home and your internet. AND you're workin! Cool Bro.

Me and some of the other boys enjoy "pictures", Memes, Cute dog and Cat Stuff, cool photo places, motorcycles...Old pictures that you ain't interested in, but alot are.  I know...I'm old.  :D  You at the beach or ya go home?  Other than a campground, How do you feel safe when ya "Stay over night"?  Ya pay?

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1 hour ago, Swampfox762 said:

Oh, get over it. :anim_lol:You enjoy sittin a van by the water all day lookin at the water, with all the comforts of home and your internet. AND you're workin! Cool Bro.

Me and some of the other boys enjoy "pictures", Memes, Cute dog and Cat Stuff, cool photo places, motorcycles...Old pictures that you ain't interested in, but alot are.  I know...I'm old.  :D  You at the beach or ya go home?  Other than a campground, How do you feel safe when ya "Stay over night"?  Ya pay?


I know from my own experiences and reading up on this topic, including studies, that both the mind and the body, aka your health, deteriorates once you become inactive. Being inside most of the time, sitting on our asses for prolonged times, sitting in-front of computer screens, is pretty much the worst you can do. You basically send your entire metabolism a signal that your body and mind isn't needed anymore.

Do some research on this topic. The people that live the longest, healthiest and happiest, work into high ages, outside, often past 80. Most of them do physical work. None of them eat fast food. None of them are alcoholics or smoke. None of them take ANY drugs. None of them spend any time on any computers or watching TV. For example the people on the Greek island Ikaria. They don't have access to our ""awesome"" medical care, at all. But they live in average 10 years longer than US folks, and they don't waste the last 2 decades of their life suffering from diseases.

Basically all my threads are meant as an inspiration to become more active, to start a new passion (my camper build and traveling with it), to eat healthier (my Food Emporium thread) , start a new trade (my welding thread), look into a new income opportunity (my day trading thread), a new sport (my track day and racing thread), etc. While some members show some interest, not much is changing. It comes at no surprise that people living in the US are so obese - or flat out fat - unhealthy, uninspired. Everybody seems to be permanently 24/7 connected to a smart phone, computer or gaming console.

At the end of the day it's none of my business what yall do, but its kinda depressing to see how some people throw away their health, time and wellbeing.

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