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Pelosi threatens to delay Senate impeachment trial


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Democrats remind me of that little white feather fluttering around in the opening scene of Forrest Gump. Any way the wind blows, that's the direction it goes. Just like Democrats. The political winds control what Democrats think and say this week. Focus groups tell them which way the wind's blowing. Democrats gleefully follow right along, impervious to the storm brewing in the West Wing skies.

Then, as the credits wind down, Forrest takes the feather and places it in a book in his briefcase, and we get on with the movie. That's Democrats. When they're the center of attention, their political posse in the media and the limousine liberals rave about their political savvy. But when they're not bloviating across all channels, no one pays much attention. We get on with our lives. After weathering many storms, Democrats are faced with a new revelation. This feather never met Donald Trump.

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2 hours ago, willie-pete said:

Well, if the House never delivers the Impeachment to the Senate, Is he really impeached?


I think not.

Yes, they voted, but...if it never goes to the senate then...i think it was just a vote...it's not official until it hits the senate. 

It's like be indited but the case never goes go trial.   They are nothing more than formal charges.

Edited by Historian
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I wonder if her game is to hold on to this until November of next year in hopes they turn the senate....and when Trump starts his second term...present it to the senate?    IF they had the votes they could kill his second term.  The problem would need to turn 17 or 19 seats.  That's just not going to happen.

This was like throwing dirt.   It had little true value and was a waste of time except it excites the base.


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52 minutes ago, Historian said:

I wonder if her game is to hold on to this until November of next year in hopes they turn the senate....and when Trump starts his second term...present it to the senate?    IF they had the votes they could kill his second term.  The problem would need to turn 17 or 19 seats.  That's just not going to happen.

This was like throwing dirt.   It had little true value and was a waste of time except it excites the base.




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" Is the impeachment process truly on hold until Pelosi decides to transmit the articles to the Senate?

Let’s start with the Constitution.  Article 1, Section 2 states that the House “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” Section 3 states that the Senate “shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

Critically, there is no mention of procedure here. So where does this supposed transmittal requirement come from? The answer is the Senate’s own rules. Specifically, its rules governing impeachment procedure.

The first rule of impeachment procedure states that the Senate will not act on an impeachment until the House sends to the Senate its appointed “managers”— the representatives who will act as the lawyers during the impeachment trial. After the House has presented its managers to the Senate, then the Senate takes the reins and launches its trial.

So can Pelosi delay an impeachment trial? Yes, as long as the Senate doesn’t change its current rules. But there’s absolutely nothing stopping it from changing this rule, and the Senate should change the rule to prevent this sort of gamesmanship...

So the Senate should change its impeachment rules as follows: once the House has impeached the president, the Senate shall set a date for trial and shall set a deadline for the House to present its managers to the Senate. If the House fails to meet that deadline, the Senate will either dismiss the articles of impeachment for lack of prosecution or, better yet, vote on the articles immediately in light of the evidence presented to it — in this case, no evidence. " https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/giancarlo-canaparo-pelosi-cant-stop-trumps-trial-in-the-senate



Edited by Ricordo
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Pelosi gambled that this was her Ace card in changing the election by influencing voters. 

What really happened, is that almost all saw it as a desperate attempt by a person enamored with her own importance, believing that she alone could manipulate everyone, the same thing happened to Hillary! 

Remember when she reminded the public that SHE was in line for the Presidency, if everybody in Washington DC died, except for her!

She's suffering from delusions of grandeur and senility.  She is determined to rule, and no one wants a ruler in this country.

She grossly miscalculated this fiasco!  Now she will have to eat it along with her party's upcoming loss of the election.  She will be blamed for losing the next election, not as a savior that she thinks she is!  She sees the future and it's not what she wanted!

She thought she could vilify this President and his successes, as her only means to effect the election.  What happened is that she stood high and proud as a bully and an insufferable bitch, whining about her party's inability to field a candidate of worth, on principles to help the country.

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