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Ruling my neighborhood WiFi...


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Alrighty, I'm am currently up to about 20 different Wi-Fi devices connected to my current wi-fi router. I have all sorts of "smart" devices connected to the interwebs. I'm considering upgrading my very old wifi router. My very old wifi router is wondering: "what the hell did you do to me?".

Any suggestions from the brain trust on a really kick ass top of the line new wifi router? Anything that basically jams my neighborhood is a bonus.

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Lots of things to consider, DD-WRT offers a lot.

With all you home devices, sound like a dual band is a must.

General considerations for all routers.

Range - The worst discovery is purchasing a top-of-the-line router only to find out that it can’t adequately cover your property. Blazing-fast speeds are great, but if your router can’t provide Wi-Fi to your entire home, there might not be a point. Ensure that the router can cover the proper square footage needed.

Speed - Are you sending emails, playing video games, or streaming videos? Not everyone’s needs require routers with rocket-fast speeds so consider how you use your internet before purchasing. AC routers are currently the fastest available option, but those who aren’t doing much gaming or video streaming should still be happy with the last generation N routers.

Smart features - Routers are much more intelligent than they were years ago. Check for special abilities such as parental controls, built-in firewalls for security, mobile application access, and prioritization for significant traffic. Smart routers give you the ability to be entirely in control of your Wi-Fi.


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4 hours ago, RenoF250 said:

I have an ASUS RT-N66R I am fairly happy with.  It has a ton of stuff connected, dual band, 3 antennas, good range, and the software is easy to use.  Lots of options for guests etc.

ASUS routers seem to be easy to use and meet most requirements, and they update the firmware regularly.  I have a AC86U and just updated the firmware today.

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