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Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered an investigation into an allegation by a parent that a teacher took his son to a drag queen show which was attended by a convicted sex offender.
The claim was made by during a Houston Independent School District board meeting last week.
“He took him to a drag show when he was underage and it was really bad. It was a really bad experience. He also put him next to this sex offender when he was out there with my son,” the parent said at the meeting.
The parent said the teacher, who is also a “writer for an LGBTQ magazine,” “recruited” his 16-year-old son and exposed him to a pedophile who was previously convicted for an assault on an 8-year-old child.
The parent said his son took videos and photos at the event and also has proof of his communication with the teacher in the form of text messages.
Abbott responded on Twitter by announcing he was “directing the Texas Education Agency to investigate this matter.”
A Houston Independent School District spokesperson responded by telling the media, “HISD takes all allegations seriously and will cooperate with the Texas Education Agency.”
As we previously reported, the former head of the Cream City Foundation, which sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour in Milwaukee, was arrested on charges of possessing child pornography.
In 2019, it was revealed that the Houston Public Library allowed a registered sex offender to read to children as part of Drag Queen Story Hour.
One of the program’s drag queens, 32-year-old Alberto Garza, was convicted of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.
Meanwhile, as we highlighted earlier, during this weekend’s gay pride parades, children were exposed to bare breasts, fetish kinks like ‘puppy play’, twerking, half naked men whipping each other, and chants of “we have genitals and lube.”


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US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean – Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine.
It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.
Back in March, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard said on Sunday.
“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.
Tulsi Gabbard made her statement based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland.
Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.
Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.
The Democrat-fake news-media complex then attacked anyone who brought up the biolabs in Ukraine.
Mitt Romney lashed out at Tulsi Gabbard, saying, “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”
Then this happened– Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.
Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.
Now this–
The Pentagon on Thursday finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!
The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.
The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.


BioLabs - pentagon-ukraine-46-biolabs.jpg

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A famous drama coach said, “When the actor you hired begins to believe he’s the character he plays, fire him.” That’s the trouble with Joe Biden. He believes he really is the president of the United States.
Biden was elected to the Senate in 1972, at the ripe old age of 29, four years after he graduated from law school, lots of real-life experience there. Once he had the Democratic nomination in True-Blue Delaware, he was set for life. In Joe’s case, life was 36 utterly undistinguished years. No one can remember a major bill he sponsored that became law.
The first time he ran for his party’s presidential nomination in 1988, he was forced to quit after it was learned that he’d plagiarized a speech by British Labor Leader Neil Kinnock. Someone smarter would have changed a word here and there, to make it seem original. Someone smarter ain’t Joe Biden, who used it word for word.
Just when it seemed like the rest of his career was destined to be a footnote in history, Barack Obama plucked him out of obscurity to be his running-mate in 2008.
Obama was then untested, having served less than four years in the Senate. He needed to reassure insiders, and who better than good, old reliable Joseph, a Democrat lackey through and through.
His eight years as vice president were marked by a string of successful banquets and funerals. Obama’s assessment of his vice president can be summed up in a remark often attributed to him, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fu-k things up.”
In 2020, the future president ran a lackluster campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Then Bernie Sanders began moving up in the field.
Terrified that they’d have to run with an avowed socialist at the head of the ticket, the party elite settled on Biden the Bland to stop Bernie the Bolshie. The other candidates were bribed or pressured into dropping out and throwing their support to the Anointed One, including Kamala, who practically accused him of being a racist in one debate.
Once he had the nomination, instead of the proverbial back-porch campaign, with COVID as the excuse, Biden hid in his basement to minimize voters’ exposure to his wit and wisdom.
The party sold him as the adult in the room, a seasoned statesman who would spare us those embarrassing Tweets. “Senior” turned out to be a euphemism for senile. Instead of a statesman, we got a hack who outsourced his ideas to the DNC.
Still, he did manage to give us a hint of what his presidency would be like, when he punched down at a Detroit factory worker who prophetically proclaimed that the candidate wanted to “take away guns.” To this, the future president replied that his questioner was “full of sh-t,” and told him, “Don’t be such a horse’s ass.” And he exclaimed truthfully, “I don’t work for you.” With Churchill, Biden will never be confused.
The lapdog media ran interference for the Democratic nominee, like burying the Hunter laptop scandal and pushing the Steele Dossier, cooked up by Crooked Hillary.
Now we have a president who trips as he tries to walk up the steps of Air Force One, can’t quote created-equal part of the Declaration of Independence (you know, “the thing”) gets lost on the White House lawn, stares vacantly into space, and had to be led away from a crowd by the Easter Bunny, when it looked like he’s going to gaffe again.
There should be a Secretary of Walking Back.
The president is weak, indecisive and totally not in control. Since Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in 1919, and his wife became the de facto chief of state, never has a president been less in charge of his administration.
Never in our history has a president managed to screw things up this badly (the withdrawal from Afghanistan, shutting down domestic energy production, inflation, border security and law enforcement) in so short a period of time. It’s painful to recall that his administration still has over two and a half years to go.
Confronted by multiple crises a home and abroad, never have we needed a steady hand more. Instead, we have an empty suit with an empty head sitting in the Oval Office, babbling whenever his eyes wander from the teleprompter.
God save America.
(frontpagemag.com - slightly edited by csmith)

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