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4 hours ago, Fog said:

Many of them have a "bandwagon" sort of feel to them. Nobody wanted to be left out, you didn't get government money if you were not onboard.

One thing I remember is many of the WWII generation talking about how they didn't support the war and didn't want a part of it.

It was a huge propaganda effort, basically they told people "Everyone else supports it." when the reality is very few actually supported our being in WW1 or WW2.

A few small town newspapers had the courage to print the truth in the beginning, but they were threatened and shut up pretty fast. I heard about this from one editor and a reporter in a town some 600 miles from the editor that worked for a totally different paper.

Yeah, it was propaganda, but the patriotism and commitment to the war effort was not about government money for the average American.

They wanted to defeat evil and were willing to endure rationing, work long hours at a defense job, send their sons overseas to make that happen.

I understand isolationists and pacifists. 

When I grew up, both were the hallmark philosophies of the enlightened youth: Make love, not war; Get out of Vietnam.

One might inquire if the isolationists, and most had memories of World War I, were willing to live under Nazi rule or  slaves to Japan's mastery.

More than 10 million pacifists in Europe at the time went quietly to their graves in Hitler's extermination camps.

Ask the 10 million Chinese people killed by the Japanese, not because they were a threat, but because they were considered inferior human beings.

Then ask the 30 million killed by Josef Stalin, the 40 to 50 million killed by Mao Zedong if the isolationists were right -- not their problem.


Good men oppose evil, fight it with their last breath regardless of where it is, who it victimizes, what the cost.

Weak, cowardly men sit back and murmur, Violence is not a solution.  Not my problem.

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