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Firearms Pics & Sundry


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Been talk recently about ghost guns and how our king will ban the 80% frames unless they are serial numbered and sold using Form 4473.

What is so special about serial numbers from the government’s perspective. Some rimfire rifles and many shotguns did not have factory serial numbers until recently.

Toss a stolen gun of any type where it was used in a crime and what good is the serial number to LEO? Serial number will get from the factory to the distributor to the first retail dealer and then what? Retail purchaser May have sold or traded it to a friend who sold or traded it to another friend and so on. And if the gun is older from a defunct manufacturer, what then?

Once the gun has creditably left the first retail buyer’s hands without being sold or traded through a dealer it is gone until reported stolen.

Yeah, I know the plan to to have ALL gun sales go through dealers to get paperwork and background checks.

Since governments are required by law to delete background check records once the check is completed they won’t know what guns changed hands and what the serial numbers are… right…

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Serial numbers on firearms did not become mandatory  until the Gun Control Act of 1968, which was actually the Citizen Control Act of 1968.

This is also about the time that several states began to 'register' firearms, which is in fact, registering citizens that want to keep and bear arms.

Universal registration prior to universal confiscation has always been the goal of the hippie Marxists.  That is why they are adamant about knowing who has what and they do it by serial number.

I always have to laugh at cop show on TV where they solemnly state, "He has two guns registered to him," when the show is set in a state that does not have firearm registration.

As for the NICS keeping the records of inquiries rather than deleting them once a finding has been made, the FBI, in direct violation of the law and several court orders,  has been keeping those records since 1994.  They claim they need them for 'auditing purposes' so they have data about how the system is working.

Yeah, right.  :upeyes:

Make no mistake.  They will come for our firearms and they don't care if they have to kill us to get them.

If you don't have a gun, all you can do is shut up and obey.


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