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I know this is no news to my fellow BSers, but you may want to share it with some of your more reactionary friends and acquaintances:




"Don’t you believe in Science?” she asked.  She was a devoted member of the Party of Science -- the party that doesn’t recognize that men and women are different. 

“No,” I said.  “I am a scientist.  I practice science, I don’t believe in it.” 



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It should be obvious that the directives coming from those charged with managing the epidemic are based not on scientific understanding but on intentionally magnifying fear for political advantage


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Thanks, worth sharing


"Unfortunately, some misuse science.  Some of their intentions, are far from benevolent.  They see science as a mechanism for political power and control.  There is great danger from those who would use science for political control over us.

Consider:  Early on President Trump relayed the good news that a cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Azithromycin showed great promise when given to newly infected patients. 

An avalanche of political attacks immediately followed.  A myth, preached by Dr. Anthony Fauci, said the cocktail had no effect on the viral infection, that it actually was dangerous.  The FDA warned against using the long proven safe drug Hydroxychloroquine.  The respected medical journal, The Lancet, published (and later retracted) an article against its use.  No debate was allowed.  “Medical Science” proclaimed that the cocktail was useless.  Authoritarian State Governments banned its use.

Doctors on the frontlines knew otherwise.  My doctor specializes in infectious medicine.  All nearby doctors go to him when they get sick.  From the beginning of the epidemic he worked literally day and night to save lives.  Sometimes he failed.  Most times he succeeded."

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I loved the article, read American Thinker quite often.....but some of y’all need to pick a lane and stay in it.

1. It’s a hoax

2. It’s the flu

3. It’s a China biological attack

4. It’s nothing, just trying to take away my freedom

5. There is NO COVID 

6. Trump saved millions with his quick action


please choose one and stay with it



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1 hour ago, jmohme said:

Sometimes it is hard to choose a lane when so many one way streets are not clearly marked.

But from your choices I can choose at least two without contradicting myself.

During the campaign the line was that “we had estimates of two million dead, President Trumps leadership and listening to the science, operation warp speed, saved millions of lives”

after the loss the line was “no vaccine can be safe that fast, government conspiracy to take freedom, 99.8% survival, etc”

it went from Trumps vaccine that liberals wouldn’t take to government control that Republicans won’t take almost overnight.


the “Trump pushed the Big Pharma to make a vaccine to save us all”

to “no vaccine could be safe that fast”

”China Virus” to “No Virus” to “Flu” to “conspiracy” to “just to stop Trump”

whatever meme is in front of them.....they go with, even Nostradamus.


the right is getting to be as stupid as the left


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1 hour ago, Dric902 said:

During the campaign the line was that “we had estimates of two million dead, President Trumps leadership and listening to the science, operation warp speed, saved millions of lives”

after the loss the line was “no vaccine can be safe that fast, government conspiracy to take freedom, 99.8% survival, etc”

it went from Trumps vaccine that liberals wouldn’t take to government control that Republicans won’t take almost overnight.


the “Trump pushed the Big Pharma to make a vaccine to save us all”

to “no vaccine could be safe that fast”

”China Virus” to “No Virus” to “Flu” to “conspiracy” to “just to stop Trump”

whatever meme is in front of them.....they go with, even Nostradamus.


the right is getting to be as stupid as the left


The speed that the vaccine was developed, produced, and brought to the people was truly amazing! Did it save millions of lives? I have seen no hard evidence, but then I have not really looked, because I had no interest in taking it anyway. Not that I think it is unsafe, I just have not been persuaded that it is necessary for me.

After Trump lost, maybe things changed to those 100% politically driven, but for those of us that give more weight to facts than R or D designations, not much has changed, and I still have no interest in the vaccine. I won't even get a flu shot.

I believe that Trump did push to get the vaccine done, but never assumed that it would be totally safe. Some things just can't be rushed but sometimes it is necessary to do so. The China virus may be one of those, but I honestly don't know. I do think that if it were all handled differently and without purposely instilling fear among the masses, It may have never gotten to this point.

I don't know of anyone that thinks this virus did not come from China. It is a real virus, and even if it is highly politicized, it is still a virus and in the words of one of the lefts queen celebrities. "the coronavirus is "God's gift to the left,". So yes, the left did attempt to harness it to stop Trump.

I have never gone with Nostradamus. In fact it makes me laugh when people bring up that name,  but yes, there is more than enough stupid to spread evenly both left and right.

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The point is not what people believe, the point is what is being used and abused to push a bias and an agenda, and what is the desired outcome. If you get lost in the "he said / she said" nonsense, you won't be able to see the real threat down the road.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Lets skip the people and we covered the events plenty. But what are the ideas to get out of this left lane to hell?

Arguing over the same **** on this forum, over and over again, has zero impact. This is an echo chamber. We don't reach anybody who isn't on our side already, not counting a couple trolls that won't butch anyway.

What will you do tomorrow that will bring back people from the left and the middle to a path of integrity, logic, personal responsibility, a love for freedom and liberty, and away from power hungry politicians?

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I’ve been pushing that for years

“get involved” isn’t posting 200 memes a day

its knowing your Reps, Senators, State and Federal. Keeping aware (without obsessing) of legislation coming up, debated, voted on.

many of those you hear loudest don’t know who their Governor is.
Let alone Mayor, State Rep, might know one of their Senators if they are on the news often enough.
They have no idea what their State is doing, but know how much ice cream the President eats. They have never called or emailed any of them. But they sure scream the loudest about it all.

those are who I call “headline activists”

they thought the trial of Cauvin was over and know the proper position because it was off the headlines. They don’t know what was just passed (State or Federal) but they know who stands on what side.

They are basically worthless for the conservative agenda, the party, the country. But portray themselves as the most hardcore Patriots ever (from the couch)

Those are the ones that rioted, those are the ones that attack any dissent, those are the ones that knee jerk believe whatever is in front of them (and demand you do as well)

Dont be them, call them on it. They collapse when confronted into sewer level accusations and lies.


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5 hours ago, Dric902 said:

I loved the article, read American Thinker quite often.....but some of y’all need to pick a lane and stay in it.

1. It’s a hoax

2. It’s the flu

3. It’s a China biological attack

4. It’s nothing, just trying to take away my freedom

5. There is NO COVID 

6. Trump saved millions with his quick action


please choose one and stay with it



You neglected to include 7. It's not nothing, but it isn't the unholy terror they are making it out to be in order to greatly increase the power of the gov't over the citizens.

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1 minute ago, Mrs.Cicero said:

You neglected to include 7. It's not nothing, but it isn't the unholy terror they are making it out to be in order to greatly increase the power of the gov't over the citizens.

I'll take option #7.

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Many, many, many people are advocating for a mandatory "Covid Passport" to participate in any social capacity.

But yet,  the silence is deafening,  if someone should mention that it also be required to vote. 

That mere suggestion would send people whirling in circles like a rabid dog.

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There is no doubt that the politicians are using it to push an agenda. Not letting a crisis go to waste.

that doesn’t explain the spinning faces of Trump yea, warp speed vaccine, thank you for saving us Mr President.....to Government control, unsafe, conspiracy crap, Democrats want to enslave us.

Thats populist crap taking over or thinking


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6 hours ago, Dric902 said:

I loved the article, read American Thinker quite often.....but some of y’all need to pick a lane and stay in it.

1. It’s a hoax

Some of it may well be a hoax

2. It’s the flu

It's quite like the flu, and the folks pushing the fear are constantly comparing the ChinaVirus to the 1918 flu.

3. It’s a China biological attack

I've decided that when people openly say they want to conquer the planet I take them at their word. The CCP has been less than transparent about this whole thing and have not earned my benefit of the doubt.

4. It’s nothing, just trying to take away my freedom

Many are, in fact, trying to take away our freedom.

5. There is NO COVID 

Yeah, it exists, it's just not what the fearmongers say it is.

6. Trump saved millions with his quick action

The fearmongers predicted meeyuns dead, Trump blocked the yellow peril, and those meeyuns didn't die. Draw your own conclusions.

please choose one and stay with it

Granted, I'm at best an amateur, but even I know that's not how real science works. You never pick one and stick to it. There is no "settled science". Theories are tested until they fail to explain the observations, then reevaluated and adjusted. 



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I was talking about the narratives being pushed by the politically obsessed. Not the virus itself.

I am very familiar with the virus

but see, when your mindset is challenged......you talk about the maybe, could be, similar to, science of the virus. Not the shifting sand of the populist talking points.



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