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Son in laws truck is deer magnet


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i know its not funny , but  today was third time a deer hit his truck  ,  i told him to sell it ,   i mean yes the deer hit him .   

first time deer ran right into back driver side door  ,dented all to hell

second time   hit  the bed on drivers side 

today   deer hit passenger side back at bottom of bed  ,busted all the lights out and tailgate wont open  


ive been driving over 36 years  and never hit  or been hit by animal  .  knock on wood .



what have you hit ???? or hit you 



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Any of you ever been on the highway that runs East/west just north of the Grand Canyon, through Jacob’s Lake? I think it is just called HWY 89, or Hwy 89-A. The road climbs a  couple thousand feet on a series of switchbacks, then you are in mountainous, rugged, heavily-wooded wilderness for fifty or sixty miles. Then it’s back down a series of switchbacks on the other side.

That stretch of road is not patrolled and there are no emergency services at all from dusk till dawn. This info is posted on both ends of the stretch of road. There are a lot of critters up there to tangle with, making it a dangerous drive, especially at night. I hit a deer up there at night and had two other damned close calls with other deer. I went looking for the one I hit, with a gun and flashlight. I found its trail, but no sign of it. I must not have hurt it too badly and the damage to my Jeep was minimal.

I also hit a wild bull in the ass with my passenger door mirror one night. The freaking thing was standing in the road, munching on weeds on the shoulder. It was so big that it stretched across my lane and into the oncoming lane. It was an overcast night and the bull was black, so I didn’t see him until I was right on top of him. I swerved like a mad bastard and passed him in the oncoming lane. I passed so close that his ass pushed my mirror into the door. He never even looked up from his grazing.

if you strand or hurt yourself at night in an area like that, you are on your own. I’ve driven the whole stretch of road without seeing another car. After the first deer strike, I was always damned careful up there, but some animals are just determined to tangle with you.

On  a lighter note, I told the guy I was working for on a contract job in Utah about hitting the deer, the next morning. I told him I looked for the deer till my flashlight batteries started to run down. The guy’s wife was from Taiwan and had no experience with wild lands. She looked at me with her naive, innocent eyes and asked if I was looking for the deer so I could take it to the vet. I assured her that was exactly what I was doing.:biggrin:

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I hit a deer once in north Texas, while driving a Ford Excursion. It was an interesting stretch of road. It Roller-coastered up and down about seventy-five feet like a series of waves, for about thirty miles. That night, a fog had moved in and it formed a layer about halfway up the height of those rolling waves of road. The weird thing though was that the layer of fog was only about twenty feet thick. So, as I road up and down the rolling road, I would go above the fog layer and then back down below the fog layer, over and over.

I went down below the fog into one of the troughs and there was a damned deer, standing just into the road. Neither one of us had any time to react. The bumper knocked him down and he went under the passenger tire. I stopped on the next high point and went back to check on him. He was deader than disco. I dragged him off the road and went back to check my Excursion. Other than a clean spot on the bumper and some blood on the rocker panel and door, the truck was completely undamaged and unmarked. Those Excursions were damned tough vehicles. I miss owning one. 

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The time I slowly hit a dead deer:

I blew out a rear tire on the rental mini-van, on the interstate.  I don't lay on interstate shoulders,  and it wasn't my wheel,  so I decided to ride the rim to the next safe place.

I was riding the shoulder,  at 10mph,  with the semi trucks blowing by at 80.  People were even honking at me,  even though I wasn't even in the lane.

And I came to a dead,  pretty well bloated, deer.  I couldn't swerve into the lane,  because everyone was going 90.  I figured I could clear it.  But it didn't go gently. It stuck under there for way too long, going thumpity-bumpity-bump-bump. 

Then it finally came out the back,  but hung on something.  Now it's rolling around, going slappity-slap-slap all over the rear window.  I could see legs flapping all over, in the rearview mirror.  Then it went away.  No big deal.

Until...  I didn't know that the spare tire was in the under-middle of a mini van.  No big deal.  I read the owner's manual.

Except....  the whole under,  especially the wheel,  were covered in rancid, stanky bloated-deer-guts. With chunks of deer,  for good measure.   I just took it.  Guts everywhere.

And the whole back of the van was solid blood.  And guts,  that you wish you hadn't seen.  I turned it in that way.  They've probably seen it before.


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we have small zoo near us , dude is really cool  who owns it .  they take in animals with defects  like say missing leg or horn ,  etc .  he loves animals  and the zoo is his life .  he made his money training horses in kentucky  ,  he has like 49 antique corvettes  and mustangs .  is say hes banked about 40 million  . retired   moved here and opened zoo behind his house .  it keeps getting larger ,  but anyway   not long ago a cape water buffalo got out , and was middle of road one night ,  and he broad sided it , totaled a f350 dually  . the water buffalo  limped off .  

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