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Paul J. Watson. The truth about the Australian wildfires


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When SJW's fight passionately for a "cause", they ignore, or refuse to consider, the consequences of their fanatical obsessions. 

 In most cases these people cause far worse long term problems and loss than if they had simply tried to learn what actually helps and what hurts.  Learning about things before acting is looked on as work, and they avoid it as much as possible.

It's the same as ignorant politicians trying to run this country.  Neither of these environmental or political idiots actually know what they are doing. 

One ruins things for votes and the other ruins things just for something to do.

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Last night I caught a network broadcast claiming that the fires are due to arsonists are all a LIE!  They went on to claim that the fires were undisputedly due to Global Warming.  They interviewed an Australian "expert" to prove it was Global Warming.  (I think it was a PBS station)

They continued by saying that, Global Warming activists warned that massive fires would be in the future, and they were right (they said).

I could also say that, someday massive fires in CA would occur due to the ignorance of their Politicians.  When the inevitable fires would occur, I could claim an accurate prediction.  I bet I could even find my own "experts" to swear what I said was true.

Why do they never pick a cause of truth and honesty in government politics.  I suspect they don't want truth and honesty, unless it's biased to their causes.

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3 hours ago, janice6 said:

Last night I caught a network broadcast claiming that the fires are due to arsonists are all a LIE!  They went on to claim that the fires were undisputedly due to Global Warming.  They interviewed an Australian "expert" to prove it was Global Warming.  (I think it was a PBS station)

They continued by saying that, Global Warming activists warned that massive fires would be in the future, and they were right (they said).

I could also say that, someday massive fires in CA would occur due to the ignorance of their Politicians.  When the inevitable fires would occur, I could claim an accurate prediction.  I bet I could even find my own "experts" to swear what I said was true.

Why do they never pick a cause of truth and honesty in government politics.  I suspect they don't want truth and honesty, unless it's biased to their causes.

We do fine without all their dumbassery. They are just meddling to be busy harshing serenity for those of us who have found it.

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