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Why Liberals Create a Position For Street Drug Use


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So, here it goes.  My daughter had step, and an ear in infection.  I refused to take my hydrocodone while driving my daughter around, but I also had to see the local pain doctor.  I didn't piss hot, though, he would never give me the results, and claimed I didn't have enough in my system.  Apparently, he was under the impression that I should drive impaired.  So, I got kicked out.  I filed a complaint with the Medical Board, and explain the situation.  They refused to take action.  So, he said go find another one.  I did.  Things were going well, I reported the situation to the second doctor regarding the situation.  Today, they called up and said, we will no longer be issuing pain medication.  My back is destroyed, every nerve in my body fires at the same time with the fibromyalgia.  My muscle system is deteriorating with an off the charge OPMD.  So, I have several options that I am considering at the moment.  

1. Trying to find weed, never bought it, never used it.  **** the system since they fucked me, and I am retired.

2. If I can't find that, reverting to alcoholism, which I beat years ago.

3. Suicide.

I am currently weighing my options.

So, if I suddenly disappear it means I blew my brains out, 2 I am in jail for the purchase of weed, or I am in jail for taking all my rage out on the first doctor and using whatever strength in my hands that are left to break his hyoid bone.


Signing out to figure out my options.

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17 minutes ago, Moshe said:

So, here it goes.  My daughter had step, and an ear in infection.  I refused to take my hydrocodone while driving my daughter around, but I also had to see the local pain doctor.  I didn't piss hot, though, he would never give me the results, and claimed I didn't have enough in my system.  Apparently, he was under the impression that I should drive impaired.  So, I got kicked out.  I filed a complaint with the Medical Board, and explain the situation.  They refused to take action.  So, he said go find another one.  I did.  Things were going well, I reported the situation to the second doctor regarding the situation.  Today, they called up and said, we will no longer be issuing pain medication.  My back is destroyed, every nerve in my body fires at the same time with the fibromyalgia.  My muscle system is deteriorating with an off the charge OPMD.  So, I have several options that I am considering at the moment.  

1. Trying to find weed, never bought it, never used it.  **** the system since they fucked me, and I am retired.

2. If I can't find that, reverting to alcoholism, which I beat years ago.

3. Suicide.

I am currently weighing my options.

So, if I suddenly disappear it means I blew my brains out, 2 I am in jail for the purchase of weed, or I am in jail for taking all my rage out on the first doctor and using whatever strength in my hands that are left to break his hyoid bone.


Signing out to figure out my options.

I convinced my doctor that I had a problem taking pain killers and if one didn't do the job I just couldn't take another one.  How I augmented the pain killers with Ibuprofen .  Long story short, he doubled the quantity I was prescribed for "at will" use.  

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One puff of today's weed will make you incoherently stupid.  I don't think it really works for "pain".  I had some for the nausea and near-death of chemo.  It is a miracle drug for that.

I think the CBD oils and drops and creams are what they use for pain,  according to what I've read,  but I really don't know anything about it.

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Well, fate made me change out the batteries in my LD sniper rifle.  So, eliminating the start of this thing was out of the question.  Not interested in sheol, though eating the largest caliber firearm I have was a no go.  I did make a complaint to the medical board, and had my first beer in over 20 years.  They were so terrified of making me an addict, which the only thing I was addicted to was pain relief.  So, they are well on their way of killing 20 years of sobriety and making me a drunk.  I suppose that's better somehow?

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I guess I shouldn't drink,  I just e-mailed AOC Ploppy that a delegation would meet with her to teach her the difference between a toilet and a sink, that Obama made the detention facilities, and she had the IQ of room temperature.

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1 minute ago, Moshe said:

I guess I shouldn't drink,  I just e-mailed AOC Ploppy that a delegation would meet with her to teach her the difference between a toilet and a sink, that Obama made the detention facilities, and she had the IQ of room temperature.

Remember.  One liberal used the term an "Inconvenient" truth.  Apparently AOC is being shown the Inconvenient Truth that she is ignorant, and can't accept it.

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a) weed wont help with pain,but todays super high potent vape edible oil will make you forget most everything.

b) Alcohol would be a short term fix,and a alcoholic past would make it a lateral move.

c) if your serious about suicide you should talk to a professional.(i know,you cant even make a light end of the line type humor remark anymore without some ******* getting all touchy feely)

but seriously don`t tell your doctor that.

d) call your doctor and tell him/her that your current prescription doesn't work like it used to or you feel like it has less effect,get on the record with the complaint and then ask about seeing another doctor or a different drug.

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A. Sounds awesome.

B. It's effects are brief

C. Was a genuine thought to living like you are on fire all the time.

D. Doctor's nurse called up and said, no more pain medication for you, straight out of the blue..  Essentially, it was hearsay from the last doctor whom I filed a complaint with the medical board about.  He randomly drops patients with his magical pee machine.  It doesn't go to a lab, it just sits on a Barnum and Baily scale.  He almost lost his last time for over prescribing to a guy I worked with, and then dumped him.  Essentially, a sadist who gets sexual satisfaction on causing physical pain.   I reported him as such.  I put my hip back in place, the same way some people put their dislocated shoulder.  He asked which one, and dug his thumb into the nerve cluster with all his strength.  It hurt so much, I found myself reaching for my EDC knife, before he let go with a grin.  I guess he doesn't like be reported as a Sadist who randomly dumps patients.  It is like that Episode of Seinfeld where all the doctors start working with you and then dump you.  Paperwork wise I have tried the Medical Board of Texas and my Congressmen.

When you run out of options and you wish someone would bring the fire extinguisher for the fire no one can see.  At some point you don't care how the fire gets put out as long as it does.

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18 hours ago, janice6 said:

Remember.  One liberal used the term an "Inconvenient" truth.  Apparently AOC is being shown the Inconvenient Truth that she is ignorant, and can't accept it.

Beer was fun too.  As I wrote Ilhan Omar and condemned her for her Anti-Semitism, told her she didn't know how to pay her taxes.  I also brought out she was schtuping her brother, and asked her if she was a Somali Terrorist, or just some backwoods Arkansas Muslim that married her brother.  

I have developed, I don't give a **** anymore attitude.  

For instance, the monstrosity of a campus at the High School, my wife sent her for an all day band camp, yeah, I know, I know.  So, I park in the handicap spot, limp over toward the door and I am met by Moose and Squirrel at the front door.  Squirrel being a squat blonde thing imperiously told me, "Sir, this is a closed campus."

I replied, frankly,  "I am here to pick up my daughter"

I received the same imperious response.  

So, having had one of the worst days ever and not wanting to deal with the arrogant tone, I gave them the look of death.  "**** you, **** your campus, I am going to get my daughter if I have to bust a hole in that damn door and get  her."

They could tell I was serious, and arrogance turned to fear, and then suddenly they were happy to give me directions to where she was.  They had no idea I was 2 seconds from putting several rounds of .45 through the door and go and find her.  Or, maybe they did.  They suddenly got helpful.

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16 hours ago, KWalrad said:

If only TBS had a resident Drama Queen that you could complain to...

Someday it will be your turn.  I have found that over the years.  The folks that thumb their nose, for through gasoline on the fire, I never have to lift a finger and bad things happen.  My wife has given me a wary eye over the years not to lay into me too much, as it comes around.  Just to give you a concept, I worked with the USBP, and I was a assigned to a bully who wouldn't let up.  Well, he rolled his truck, broke his pelvis, and was never allowed to advance in pay grade.  My wife has seen instance after instance of that.  So, you are playing a dangerous game.  I don't know if it is a Jew thing, a whatever thing.  But, all I have to do is be patient and wait it out, and G-d has always administered vengeance.  So, for your safety, don't dig at a guy when he is at his lowest point.  As I said before, I wouldn't lift a finger against you in anyway whatsoever.  I trying to tell you this with whatever kindness I have left in me.

Just to give you an idea, and it is not my doing.  My wife liked to go to a Church about a mile from here.  Now, she goes much further.  The people there were so vehemently Anti-Semitic, I left.  But, let me tell you what happened to the people involved"

1.  Died very soon after.

2. His COPD flared up where he is on hospice.

3. One of the nastier women developed so much pain she can't even get out of bed.

4. One developed cardiac problems and poverty, I am not sure if she is dead yet or not.

5. One can't make it anywhere as her arthritis keeps her at home 24/7.

6. One prematurely aged to look far older than me, and I am pushing closer to 50 and he was 10 years younger.

I can keep going, but the point remains.  This has been my life experience.

I don't wish this for you.

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3 hours ago, Moshe said:

So, having had one of the worst days ever and not wanting to deal with the arrogant tone, I gave them the look of death.  "**** you, **** your campus, I am going to get my daughter if I have to bust a hole in that damn door and get  her."

They could tell I was serious, and arrogance turned to fear, and then suddenly they were happy to give me directions to where she was.  They had no idea I was 2 seconds from putting several rounds of .45 through the door and go and find her.  Or, maybe they did.  They suddenly got helpful.

Fantasizing about shooting up a school. That’s awesome, dude. Screen-shotted. 

Eric, I can’t believe I have to explain this to someone who ran a gunboard for 18 years or however long, but I feel like someone needs to sit down with you and have the teenage-dating talk about good attention vs bad attention.

As it applies here, there is good traffic that keeps forums afloat with lively, interesting discussion, and there’s bad traffic that brings them down, e.g. obviously delusional nutcases like this guy who openly fantasizes about sniping people he doesn’t like, making up outlandish Chuck Norris meets Billy Badass Border Patrol stories that a fifth-grader could see through, looking for Jewish persecution everywhere he goes, and now was “2 seconds” from shooting up a school. 

I mean, if this is the type of “Valued Member” you want around here, that’s all you, but you know what happens to a bushel of otherwise good apples if a bad one is left to fester too long... 


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23 hours ago, Moshe said:

Well, fate made me change out the batteries in my LD sniper rifle.  So, eliminating the start of this thing was out of the question.  Not interested in sheol, though eating the largest caliber firearm I have was a no go.  I did make a complaint to the medical board, and had my first beer in over 20 years.  They were so terrified of making me an addict, which the only thing I was addicted to was pain relief.  So, they are well on their way of killing 20 years of sobriety and making me a drunk.  I suppose that's better somehow?

Here's the deal with pain management.  Someone pisses light or not at all on their drug test, 99.999% of the time, they're doing one of two things:

1.  Selling the meds to friends n' family or

2.  Stocking up and instead of taking the usual 1-2 every 4-6 hours or whatever, stockpiling and then taking 4-6-8-10 at once.

No pain management doc in the world is gonna believe you that you don't want to drive while on Lortab or Norco or whatever you're taking.  Now that you're fired, you're gonna play hell finding another PM doc because they can and do talk to each other via the wonderful world of electronic communication.  Had I know you were doing this, I would have strongly suggested you drop two Lortab 15 minutes before your appointment and then find a mall to wander around in, because random drug tests are designed for situations like this (as well as other meds/drugs in your system).

CBD may be all you can do at this point.  Depending on your dose, withdrawal is going to suck for you.  I suggest kratom to get through the worst of it, and it may have the side effect of dampening down your pain.  Do some research on what strains will work best for you, but understand you can get hooked through the bag on that **** as well.

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6 hours ago, Moshe said:

Someday it will be your turn.  I have found that over the years.  The folks that thumb their nose, for through gasoline on the fire, I never have to lift a finger and bad things happen.  My wife has given me a wary eye over the years not to lay into me too much, as it comes around.  Just to give you a concept, I worked with the USBP, and I was a assigned to a bully who wouldn't let up.  Well, he rolled his truck, broke his pelvis, and was never allowed to advance in pay grade.  My wife has seen instance after instance of that.  So, you are playing a dangerous game.  I don't know if it is a Jew thing, a whatever thing.  But, all I have to do is be patient and wait it out, and G-d has always administered vengeance.  So, for your safety, don't dig at a guy when he is at his lowest point.  As I said before, I wouldn't lift a finger against you in anyway whatsoever.  I trying to tell you this with whatever kindness I have left in me.

Just to give you an idea, and it is not my doing.  My wife liked to go to a Church about a mile from here.  Now, she goes much further.  The people there were so vehemently Anti-Semitic, I left.  But, let me tell you what happened to the people involved"

1.  Died very soon after.

2. His COPD flared up where he is on hospice.

3. One of the nastier women developed so much pain she can't even get out of bed.

4. One developed cardiac problems and poverty, I am not sure if she is dead yet or not.

5. One can't make it anywhere as her arthritis keeps her at home 24/7.

6. One prematurely aged to look far older than me, and I am pushing closer to 50 and he was 10 years younger.

I can keep going, but the point remains.  This has been my life experience.

I don't wish this for you.

Which one developed OPMD?

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17 hours ago, SarahMcGlocklan said:

Which one developed OPMD?

My mother's line to me.  You are born with it.  It is like a ticking time bomb.  Both parents can have it.  In my case it was autosomal dominant.  It typically affects men greater if you are of Jewish descent, well, because it was our job not to screw things up as the head of the family.  For people of Hispanic Origin, and of Canadian French it affects them as well.  It is a like being black and getting cycle cell anemia.  My origins, and the not very nice people on that side passed the curse to me.  I understand why it happened.  I am not jumping for joy over it, as if I could without serious injury.  

So, I live a lot, with everything else like Ricky Bobby thinking he is on fire, yet it is there, just invisible.  I am not afraid of sheol, because it is simple burning lake of fire for destruction.  I can't imagine it hurting any more than it does now.  But, some people receive their reward on this earth.  Some of us are tried in the crucible of fire now, to eventually get out the impurities.

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46 minutes ago, Moshe said:

My mother's line to me.  You are born with it.  It is like a ticking time bomb.  Both parents can have it.  In my case it was autosomal dominant.  It typically affects men greater if you are of Jewish descent, well, because it was our job not to screw things up as the head of the family.  For people of Hispanic Origin, and of Canadian French it affects them as well.  It is a like being black and getting cycle cell anemia.  My origins, and the not very nice people on that side passed the curse to me.  I understand why it happened.  I am not jumping for joy over it, as if I could without serious injury.  

So, I live a lot, with everything else like Ricky Bobby thinking he is on fire, yet it is there, just invisible.  I am not afraid of sheol, because it is simple burning lake of fire for destruction.  I can't imagine it hurting any more than it does now.  But, some people receive their reward on this earth.  Some of us are tried in the crucible of fire now, to eventually get out the impurities.

Ah yes. I knew someone with cycle cell anemia. He had compression valve that wouldn’t work. 

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3 minutes ago, SarahMcGlocklan said:

Ah yes. I knew someone with cycle cell anemia. He had compression valve that wouldn’t work. 

Right.  It was the best way I could explain an ethnically dominant disease..

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