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On 7/11/2020 at 9:03 AM, Paul53 said:

Thanks for asking. I'm so tired of politicians promising everything plus their first born to get elected, keeping none of the promises, then re-inventing themselves for the next election. When will we start holding politicians to their promises?

Thank God healthcare has become a political topic. "Medicare for all" is really a threat. Many other countries have universal healthcare and done right it's far cheaper than our convoluted system. I particularly like the German system.If you care to research, include Japan, Taiwan, Viet Nam, Denmark, as well as the oft cited Canada and Great Britain. We CAN have more for less $.

For the record I'm working on my second bankruptcy from the #1 cause of bankruptcy in America, medical bills. None of the above mentioned ever have medical bill bankruptcy.

Paul, those countries have MUCH higher taxes that we do in the US. Also, keep in mind that appx 50% of US citizens pay NO Federal tax AT ALL. Those on the left who propose a "Single Payer" healthcare system refuse to admit that it is not financially possible without major tax increase. The mantra of the left is that the "rich" need to pay "their fair share", when in fact, they pay the lion's share of the tax collected. Good luck getting the folks on the take to give that up and actually contributed to the Fed's income.

Even if it was financially feasible, we would then have rationing. I've heard of many folks from Canada who complain about long wait times and no access to quality care. When you make something free, it is impossible to supply enough of it.

I will admit that the system is broken, and that it sucks major donkey dick. I pay about $1,700/month for my young family, and we EACH have $5,000 deductibles. Incidentally, my premiums were less than 1/3 of that before those motherfucking democrats rammed Obamacare down our throats.

At least Trump got rid of the individual mandate. That actually allowed me to buy a policy which didn't cover all the bullshit the ACA required. EG: pregnancy (I've had a vasectomy, and my wife a historectomy.

Edited by MDLOTT
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