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um,if its a Felony count of Theft should`nt it be considered a Weapons charge as well since he did Technically commit a Felony with a Firearm?

so bottom line he was armed during the commission of a Felony,i Oughta be a Judge Dammit.

i can double a sentence with common sense 

and i`d get to hug Killer Blonds......


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There should be extenuating circumstances that require additional charges, as said above, when either using, or possession of a firearm, in the commission of a crime, or stealing a firearm during a crime.

When you down play firearm crimes, you encourage others to take the risk.  

I understand that society's problem here, is that they don't want to spend more money on incarcerating more criminals, This is the real reason for not incarcerating more criminals. 

But there comes a point where either you are trying to discourage further crime and criminals, or you are not worried about the severity of the crime, but more about being a friend to the criminal.

If we are more worried about the money than the crime, we have determined that some level of crime is acceptable.  As this thinking permeates the courts, we will inevitably result in more crime and more criminals being acceptable.  This is stupid.

There are varying degrees of crime and criminals.  At some point we have to make the hard decision that after many arrests for "smaller crimes", the history,  the trend is toward more harmful and threatening crime, and those criminals are beyond the cost of trying to save them from themselves.

Right now, we had made it clear that shooting a cop is no worse than shooting a civilian, so the criminal is more willing to do it. 

Chasing a criminal for running from a minor crime is endangering the public, so we encourage minor criminals to run from the law.  We believe that crimes against property are less serious than crimes against people, and we claim the burden of society paying restitution is better than hunting  for the criminal. 

So we encourage the evolution of the criminal activity until it now involves a person as a victim.  Often times, the economic or political status of the victim determines how actively the criminal is pursued.  Unequal justice is not in our Constitution.

I don't be believe in locking everyone up for life if they commit a crime, any crime.  But I do believe that our penal assets should emphasize locking up those criminals that repeatedly demonstrate that their chosen field is crime, not repentance. 

If we are not willing to pay the cost of long term incarceration then bring back capitol punishment.  If we do neither, we are aiding and abetting crime.

I don't have an answer either.  But I'm getting pretty fed up with slapping the hands of criminals that used a deadly weapon in the commission of the crime, simply because he didn't do bodily harm with the weapon, only threatened or implied he would, or he is determined to be of a group that must be favored over others.  To me these are the same as using it if the victim believes the threat.

We say we can give the criminal time and the means to change their ways, yet our prison population is steadily increasing, so it's evident we aren't doing the right thing to discourage criminals but simply letting them off with little punishment and then claiming we are fighting crime.  Most of our justice system as practiced is encouraging criminals.

It's all BS and will lead to severe problems along the way. 



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They stack charges, at least that is what smart people do.  Damage to property, burglary, trespassing, illegal possession of firearms, grand theft.  If all of them stick, great, see you in twenty years.  If only one of them sticks you at least have something.

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