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The Borking of Brett


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Here are my impressions of Dr. Ford's testimony.

Indubitably, a traumatic event of a sexual nature happened to her. It could range from after being born to an attack during her high school years or shortly later.

The identification of Justice Kavanaugh as her attacker does not hold water.

She believes that she's being used as a pawn in this matter.

Her lack of short-term and long-term memory  is disturbing.

There are too many holes in her recollection of the event to find her a reliable witness.

The scarce details that  she remembers are directly contradicted by even the sworn, written testimony of her friend.

Her non-verbal behaviour (kinesics) during her testimony mostly does not correlates to her verbal expressions.

Dr. Ford is a person that can be easily influenced or manipulated.


In legal terms, two major standards for evidentiary consideration are utilized. Beyond a reasonable doubt (criminal) and preponderance of the evidence (civil).

Consider beyond a reasonable doubt. This basically promotes that a reasonable person, when  evaluating evidence, should have no "reasonable doubt" in his/her mind  that someone is guilty. In a scale, that could mean arguably anywhere from 95%-100% certainty. Give or take.

Preponderance of the evidence, simply put, requires only 51% certainty.

It is my impression that based on her testimony and the available evidence, she fails both standards.


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Brett Kavanaugh represents every serial rapist, every sexual assaulter, every bad boyfriend, every cheating husband, every guy who didn't call you back, every father who's not paying child support.  The Fascists are skillful at casting Kavanaugh as this representation for ignorant and emotional women of every bad experience with a man they've ever had.  Thinking women doubt the veracity of Dr. Ford's story, but they are outnumbered and outshouted by the hysterical women in the country.

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