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Speech by Melanie Phillips NatCon Brussels


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I disagree with the lady in one aspect: so-called conservatives, in both the US and the UK, were not flummoxed, fooled, hoodwinked or were blithely ignorant of the goals of the global Marxists/Islamists.

As in the United States, politicians in Britain, despite the label or professed views, are in fact members of the globalist, Marxist uni-party that operates as a single entity dedicated to enriching the elite, destroying Western civilization and religion and establishing a totalitarian, fascist state throughout the world -- with them in charge, of course.

As many have noted, Orwell's 1984  and to a lesser extent, Rand's Atlas Shrugged, were warnings, not an instruction manuals.


So, there.


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1 minute ago, tous said:

I disagree with the lady in one aspect: so-called conservatives, in both the US and the UK, were not flummoxed, fooled, hoodwinked or were blithely ignorant of the goals of the global Marxists/Islamists.

As in the United States, politicians in Britain, despite the label or professed views, are in fact members of the globalist, Marxist uni-party that operates as a single entity dedicated to enriching the elite, destroying Western civilization and religion and establishing a totalitarian, fascist state throughout the world -- with them in charge, of course.

As many have noted, Orwell's 1984  and to a lesser extent, Rand's Atlas Shrugged, were warnings, not an instruction manuals.


So, there.


Thus they all hate Trump!

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They will destroy Israel, and not because the citizens are Jews.

Consider, if Israel doesn't exist and the so-called Palestinians turn it into a hellish desert once again, fulfills Obama's dream of a Middle East ruled by Iran -- with nuclear weapons.

Every other Arab state will fold and obey the mullahs, who will control the production and export of oil from those countries.

Israel has no oil, they are just in the way of Obama's Islamic Paradise.

Energy production in the west will be non-existent, having been destroyed beyond repair by the hippie Marxist's climate change hoax.

All access to energy will be controlled by the Islamist fascists in Tehran, but really controlled by the Marxist uni-party globalists that will use the energy to operate their factories, grow their wealth and fuel their private jets, certainly not to benefit the great unwashed; Hillary's intolerable.

Control the energy, control the world.

I suggest that the only thing standing in their way is Communist China.

China will act in their interests, no one else's.


I won't live to see this, but I mourn for those that will.

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Consider also why the hippie Marxists have encouraged and made getting intoxicating, often deadly, drugs  so easy?

Not to mention the myriad and stupendous increase in so-called legitimate, prescription drugs, many if not most, psychotropic?

Who knew that a substantial portion of humanity was bi-polar schizophrenic or that 90% of the population is so anxious and depressed that they can't function without Big Pharma's help?

And then there is gambling.

It used to be not too many years ago, that gambling, especially on professional and college sports, was an egregious sin that no decent man or woman engaged in.

Gambling was operated by the Mafia, vicious criminals that preyed upon the weak and victimized the entire population with greed and violence.

Then, several states established lotteries.

No need to play the numbers in Harlem, just go to the nearest bodega; you can't win if you don't play.

Who cares if that's the rent money?

And recently, betting on sports is no longer the purview of the cigar-chomping, Mafia bookie in a seedy bar who will break your legs of you don't pay what you owe.

Sports betting, like marijuana production, has been turned over to big business.

Now it's not just legal, it's cool, what everybody is doing.


So, we must engage in some ponderment, why do the hippie Marxist globalists want the population high on drugs, legal and illegal, and blowing all of their money on legalized gambling?

I suggest that similar to the Roman concept of bread and circuses, the new paradigm is drugs and playoff brackets; heck, television coverage of sports mentions the gambling odds 30 times an hour.

A population that is drugged into intoxication, that is distracted by what they have been taught to consider transitory, renewable pleasure will not and cannot challenge their masters.


So, there.

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