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We Are Divided

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Another way to look at this is.  When you do your diligent research about a subject you care about, you find many theories and opinions about this.  You sift through the data and compare the majority to your idea and data of what is going on.

If your opinion differs from the majority, you are faced with the decision of whether you are right  and can support your opinion with data in your mind, or whether you believe your original ideas are wrong. 

What it finally resolves into is: How convinced are you that your are right?  Are you in the majority of opinions? If you are convinced you are right, and the majority is wrong, what do you do?  Do you move with the majority and change your opinion?  or do you simply say that my research says that the majority is wrong?

My approach is to believe what I wring out of the problem and I consider what the majority think about it.  If my opinion consists of logical arguments in favor of my opinion, after my work, I will go with what I believe to be true, and I will campaign on that.   Objectivity is paramount.  Without objectivity the decision you make is garbage.

I honestly do consider the other opinions, but I treat them as another opinion, not as being right because they have the numbers to behind them.  I have the data to back up me  and my opinion.

Point in fact.  During the advent of the transistor.  I worked in Research and was involved in using the developing semiconductor  technology myself.  I went from tubes to semiconductors. My work was always pushing the limits of the technology I used.

I saw opinions voiced by technical experts in books on semiconductor physics where they were couched in absolute terms. 

In, especially, developing technology, there are no absolutes.  History of technology has taught us that when someone says it's not possible, someone else will find a way to do it.

I bought a book by a highly respected author in the field of semiconductor physics for one reason only.  This renowned expert said that the Germanium Transistor is the only viable semiconductor and there is no possible way to make a useable Silicon Device! 

Well.  Just a year or two later, Silicon Transistors were the solution to the insurmountable problem of junction temperature failure of Germanium transistors.

Everybody completely swung away from Germanium to Silicon for it's ability to function in elevated junction temperatures.  The change in attitude simply switched almost instantly based on results.

NO ONE responded to the expert that denounced Silicon.  They simply ignored that he was wrong.  Totally wrong!  This is where people drive me nuts. They listen to an expert and because he/she is called an expert, the believe what they say.  And, when the expert is wrong, nobody remembers they were wrong!

As a result of this, I cringe when told: Experts say........... I simply consider it as one opinion until they are supported with experimental results.

Just before the silicon breakthrough, I devised a way to make Germanium function at at elevated junction temperatures successfully for my company in their production facility.  HOWEVER, even I knew that my solution wasn't the answer to all temperature problems with Germanium. but just a stop-gap till a better semiconductor was available.

Please!  Learn how to do objective research on a problem.  Consider all opinions on that problem.  Then, see how your results and data compare to the whole.  If you truly, objectively, believe you are right and "they" are wrong, then fight for your results.  Don't back down from pressure of numbers.  Know how to find the answer and stay objective in your work!

Note:  My Son was an Engineer working with a Research lab and his lab produced a Nitride Transistor and a blue laser diode.  The Nitride transistor was capable of operating at such high junction temperatures that Silicon failed to function.

He called me at my company and asked if we were interested in semiconductors that would operate efficiently at over 200 degrees C.  I went nuts, since my company could use these devices in the store stations on the wings of tactical aircraft where elevated temperatures were a problem for us and  weapon technology.

Unfortunately, my company said that when they went into production to call us then and we would talk........... We were "Users" of the technology, not developers of semiconductor technology.....:599c64365a11b_brickwall:

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The first time in life I ever went to bat for someone, and I mean really stuck my neck out and all that, was for an 18 year old kid who wanted to be an equipment operator.  He worked hard, showed up everyday, hell I put him on a hoe and he handled it.  He manned up and asked the boss for more money and got let go.  I didn't agree with that and he was a guy we should've kept around.  I love Mike Rowe because he articulates for every man.

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I got put on a ho at 16.  It didn't end well.   Absolute truff was mentioned.  We practice medicine, law, and science.  Bongino played a PBS /NPR personality on Thursday and she talked about truth being relative.  THAT is the problem.  Collective thought is the death of a nation.  We use to debate based on facts but now it is off feelings.  Very few can think independently.  Cool biblical fact -  The majority of Jews would consistently vote outside the will of God.  

We can talk about wide and narrow roads, etc. but all this talk is simply an indicator of the end times.

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