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Silentpoet's Music Emporium


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He's got a law degree,  and is a financial genius.  ($$$ really)

He is now (and has been for a long time) an environmental activists.   Like, Big.  (google him)

When Bush won,  "America!! Love it or leave it!!"

He left.

To Poland, or Russia,  no one knows.  He gets arrested everywhere.

He's got access to $M,  but they said he only has a guitar, a duffle bag, and the same leather pants, that he's been wearing for years.

He never taps into the family money pool, of which he manages,  because he doesn't want to.  Just  a baloney sandwich.

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When they were teenagers, him and his brother,  would take summer vacation to Poland (or Russia, we don't know).

They didn't talk Poland (or Russia.  we don't know) and had zero money.

They would play Beatles songs at every station,  every day.

They said the Polacks (or Russkies, we don't know), knew none of the words,  but they all knew the songs.

So they got enough money in their hat to eat, and get to the next station.  And did that all summer.

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