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Putting Up The Flag


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America today is more and more becoming a nation of ******* (maybe that should have been pansies, oh well).  We (society in general) are afraid to speak for fear of offending someone.  We are embarrassed to the point of denial for having saved Europe a few times.  

We hate our service men that fight and die for people that in turn, hate is for being there.  We are afraid of offending people within our country that are not even citizens, while they proclaim that their home country is more loved by them then this nation that they came into uninvited.   The go further and complain that having  broken our laws and intruded into our country uninvited, they aren't being received with open arms and receiving rewards heaped upon them just for being here.

We curse and vilify our Head of state because he won and election that was preprogrammed to be the prize of a previous criminal dynasty.  We subvert our own government because we wanted the "other guy" to win so bad that we refute our oaths of office proclaiming the since we didn't get what we wanted, the rules don't matter anymore.

We are ashamed to stand before the world and state the obvious, that our technological advancements have benefited every other nation without them having donated one red cent to the programs.

Our schools are teaching our children what to think, not how to think.  We are dumbing down our educational system claiming the children don't need to know how to read an analog clock, Do Algebra, study Geography and History, practically anything that takes a little effort to be a success. 

We are developing an aversion to Science and Technology thinking someone else will always make advances for us.  Then these same teachers go on strike claiming that they will do a better job for more money.  What happened to doing a better job and then being rewarded with more money.  This argument has been presented for scores of years.

We are the greatest nation on Earth and are the most ashamed of this fact.  We even proclaim to hate the symbols of this nation because they remind us of our true obligations to humanity.

As a society, we have determined that what ever is done for the betterment of all men is repugnant, while what is done for the betterment of few select persons and special groups is hailed as great achievements.  Then these groups claim that they should dominate the rest of society because society may think differently than they do.

We cannot have a reasoned debate when we don't have enough reasoning on the topic to debate with.  We simply think we can resolve our differences with vitriol and disgusting name calling.  We have achieved this level of stupidity because we have lost sight of the fact that when the whole of our population, not just a few,  benefits from something it makes us all greater.   

We are becoming so self absorbed that we have forgotten all of our citizen neighbors in our quest for dominance.  We will put anyone down that differs from our opinion and even try to punish them for their audacity to differ with us.

Haven't we become a really great nation for all of this...………..  Yet, citizens of other countries still leave their home and come here with the belief that if we don't want our own nation then they will take it.

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