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Captain Marvel trailer shows off Carol Danvers, Starforce and Skrulls


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Marvel has taken several comic book characters I didn't give even half a hoot about and made them into some of my favorites.

I want them to do the same thing here, but the trailer isn't capturing me.  Based on what I've seen, I don't have any interest in either the character or the story.  I hope they change my mind.

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And another thing: Introducing the Skrulls (shape-shifters) is a huge complication for the cinematic franchise as a whole.

Between that complication and the re-treading of "Earth as a small island in a larger fight between aliens", I'm not sure it can keep running without losing steam or going off the rails.

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The "mystery" of the trailer is kind of a hook.  How did Danvers become Captain Marvel?  Where did her powers come from?  What were they zapping into her brain?  They are not following the comic book timelines so there are probably a lot of changes.

Supposedly she is the uber-badass of the Marvel heroes.  And will play a big part in defeating Thanos in Infinity War 2.  That's why Nick Fury paged her at the end of Infinity War.

9 hours ago, JTMac said:

And another thing: Introducing the Skrulls (shape-shifters) is a huge complication for the cinematic franchise as a whole.

Between that complication and the re-treading of "Earth as a small island in a larger fight between aliens", I'm not sure it can keep running without losing steam or going off the rails.

How so?  The MCU isn't following the exact path of the comics so they could go a different direction.

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