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The lies George Santos did NOT tell...

Borg warner

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George Santos never recounted holding “the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see” Nelson Mandela.

George Santos never divulged, “I used to drive a tractor trailer, so I know a little bit about driving big trucks.”

George Santos never said that he “had a house burn down with [his] wife in it.”

George Santos never maintained that his son “lost his life in Iraq” when he died of brain cancer six years after his service there in Maryland.

George Santos never plagiarized speeches given by John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Hubert Humphrey.

George Santos never angrily told a voter questioning his credentials, “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do,” before rattling off such false accolades as winning “the outstanding student in the political science department” at the University of Delaware, where he “graduated with three degrees,” before going “to law school on a full academic scholarship” and finishing “in the top half.”

George Santos never claimed that he played football for the University of Delaware.

George Santos never slandered a truck driver by saying he “drank his lunch” to fictionalize a very real family tragedy.

George Santos never boasted of confronting, chain in hand, the notorious gang leader Corn Pop after a legendary incident concerning improper diving-board use at the community pool.

George Santos never described himself as having been “raised in the Puerto Rican community at home.”

George Santos never, to cover up courting another man’s wife, concocted a cornball story of a chance sighting of a woman in an airport advertisement leading to a date to see A Man and a Woman, a movie about a widower given a second chance at love, which in turn led to marriage.

George Santos never expropriated the life story of British politician Neil Kinnock by pointing to “my ancestors who worked in the coal mines in northeastern Pennsylvania and would come up after 12 hours and play football for four hours.”

If only George Santos said any of this, then maybe Democrats would quit calling for the congressman-elect’s resignation and instead nominate him for the presidency.


From the article, "The Biggest Liar in American Political History Inspired George Santos"  in The American Spectator by Daniel J. Flynn January 3, 2023    
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