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The ongoing, failing leftist attempt to destroy Donald Trump


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Rachel Alexander: His enemies hate him because he's highly effective

"The left tried as hard as it could to destroy Donald Trump, realizing what a threat he was to their positions because he was so popular and aggressively pursued conservative positions. But even after defeating him in the presidential election, which a majority of Republicans believe was due to fraud, they have made little inroads into ruining his continuing leadership across the country. Despite the vast amounts of media spin – attempting to make it look like no one likes the former president, that his life is in disarray, he's a has-been and crooked – it's not working.

Trump made one of his first handful of major appearances after resuming private life in Sarasota, Florida, on Saturday, and people lined up camping overnight to get in. A huge crowd of 20,000 attended. During his speech, Trump called the election "rigged and dishonest." The left and its comrades in the MSM consistently label anyone who suggests there was significant election fraud as a conspiracy theorist, labeling their concerns as false. The left dredges up some radical fringe people who have come up with bizarre arguments about the election, and highlight them constantly as if they represent the rest of conservatives."


"Even if Trump chooses not to run again for president in 2024, he is still a powerful influence in American politics. Republican politicians still covet his endorsement."


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They've made him into a martyr. 

mar•tyr mär′tər

  • n.   One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.
  • Most martyrs are considered holy or are respected by their followers, becoming symbols of exceptional leadership and heroism in the face of difficult circumstances. Martyrs play significant roles in religions. Similarly, martyrs have had notable effects in secular life, including such figures as Socrates, among other political and cultural examples.
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