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Obama is Earning More Than Any Former President – And Costing Taxpayers the Most


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"There’s nothing wrong with earning a fortune – but you have to appreciate the irony when it’s the former President who claimed that “at a certain point you’ve made enough money” is raking in tens of millions.

Following in the footsteps of the Clintons, the Obamas have struck gold in monetizing the presidency. From 2005-2016 the Obamas earned a total of $20.5 million, most of which ($15.6 million) were from books Barack authored before taking office, and the rest from his presidential salary and investment income.

Quickly after leaving office Obama joined the speaking circuit, which had earned the Clintons before him $153 million. The year Obama left office he became one of the ten highest paid public speakers in America, bringing in a cool $1.2 million from three Wall Street Speeches. Michelle began commanding fees of $225k per speech."


"If there was a family worth over $100 million were costing the taxpayer over $1 million a year in benefits, don’t you think President Obama would’ve lambasted them, and used him as yet another example of why we need to tax the rich?

The Obama brand could conceivably be worth billions if they keep up this momentum, and that begs the question, why are we the taxpayer subsidizing the Obama family (or any former millionaire president), when Barack can earn that money himself through fewer than three hours of Wall Street speeches every year?"

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