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Three buzzwords of the left “equity,” “diversity,” and “inclusion,” just as Orwell predicted.


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"Well, the left has been engaging in their own kind of “Newspeak” by trying to eliminate words like “meritocracy” and “win,” “fail,” “superiority,” “earned,” and “liberty.”  The left wants to supplant these American concepts with a new form of tyranny: “equity,” “diversity,” and “inclusion.”

You will hear these three words uttered almost anywhere you go today.  You hear left-wing media pundits and talking heads bloviate endlessly about these ideas in television.  You hear major national and international corporations put out slogans like, “we are seeking to strengthen our business through equity, diversity, and inclusion.”  You see references to these three buzzwords incorporated into almost every syllabus, curriculum, in the mission statement of almost every college and university now, and you hear radicals scream endlessly about it through bullhorns on streets corners. "


"I can’t begin to imagine what the looks on the faces of the front line doctors and nurses who manned hospitals during the COVID pandemic would be if the hospital they worked for announced they were going to get paid as much as the guy who made their lunch for them that day.  But, to the left, that twisted logic is “equity.” "

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"Equity, diversity, and inclusion" are all vote-buying nonsense used by the Left to make  people believe the reason they don't live in a mansion in Califreakia is that "the Man" has been keeping them down, and that the Left will get revenge for them, and give them everything they've never worked at the expense of the people that earned it. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs.Cicero said:

"Equity, diversity, and inclusion" are all vote-buying nonsense used by the Left to make  people believe the reason they don't live in a mansion in Califreakia is that "the Man" has been keeping them down, and that the Left will get revenge for them, and give them everything they've never worked at the expense of the people that earned it. 

They're keeping themselves down. I see these losers every time I go to town. Lounging around in front of the apartment buildings in their pajamas. Smoking. Nothing else going on until it's time to go spend some of those EBT bucks. But first play a while on the $1 Obama phone. A bunch of non-productive layabouts. But somehow, it's our fault.

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