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Dark future....Electoral College day


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The following is from FreeRepublic.com:   https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3915255/posts


For those who don’t get it!

Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clintons or Obama, how they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers, how they spied and wiretapped, how they lied to FISA, had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings, how Comey and Brennan and Clapper never were brought to any justice, how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along, how phones got factory reset, how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, why George Soros is always in the shadows, why Romney and Paul and Bush and McCain were all involved, why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment, why no one ever goes to jail, why no one is ever charged, why nothing ever happens.
Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants, why the Durham report was delayed. Why Hunter will walk scott free. Why the FBI sat on the laptop.

Why the Biden’s connection to China was overlooked as was unleashed the perfect weapon, a virus that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest ever economy and usher in unverifiable mail in voting.
Why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies, why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right. Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States. This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren’t about to let it happen again.

Covid was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time.

You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the merge of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. What will happen next? Expect the borders to open up. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted. Law enforcement will see continued defunding. The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed.

The Supreme Court will be packed.
Your 2nd Amendment will be attacked. If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you’ll be on the hook for slavery reparations, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Your taxes are gonna go up, and businesses will pay more. I could go on and on. There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York City, Chicago, and California. The Republic will be dead. Mob rule and appeasement will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes voted won’t matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set.

“Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?’”
Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.
Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic.

You turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced degeneracy culture. You celebrated and looked to fools. You worshipped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you. You disregarded history and all it teaches. On your watch, America just died a little. It’s likely she’ll never be the same again.
Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you did.

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A friend sent me the following text in response to my earlier posting.  My reply back to him is quoted below for your consideration.  GB1
What are you trying to communicate here?  Are you asserting that everyone (including the Supreme Court, several lower courts, and Republicans) are trying to "steal" a Trump presidential election win from him when the numbers seem pretty clearly to the contrary?  All the evidence seems to point toward a Trump loss.  Are you suggesting civil war as a remedy to Trump's loss?  I don't understand.
Hi, XXXXX.  Yes, perhaps I should have been a bit more detailed in my commentary.  Many of the addressees on my earlier e-mail have been party to other, longer discussions.  So here is my position in greater detail.
 I believe it is irrefutable that electoral fraud took place in this election, on a massive scale.  See links below for specifics.  "All the evidence" does NOT point to a Biden win; that's just what the liberal media is shouting.  There are many others; I got tired of linking them.  We are supposed to believe that a corrupt, geriatric, senile, possible pedophile with a credible accuser of sexual assault in his background, who couldn't draw crowds measuring in the hundreds to his rallies, won with an unprecedented turnout of popular votes against a sitting president whose millions of supporters are rabidly enthusiastic about him.  More votes than either Clinton or Obama ever got?  He supposedly did so even though President Trump did BETTER across many traditional Democrat demographics than he did in 2016, and even though Republicans won numerous downballot races which were not forecast.  All those voters voted FOR Republican congressmen, but AGAINST Trump?  It simply is not logical.  It makes no sense.
Numerous documented instances of anomalies took place, with sworn testimony from many eyewitnesses reporting it...ALWAYS benefitting Biden.  Midnight totals overwhelmingly favoring Biden pouring in after counting was "stopped for the night."  More ballots cast than registered voters in some jurisdictions.  Even video evidence was recovered, and the mainstream media gaslighted us and told us not to believe our lying eyes.  Ballots were mailed by the millions to people who did not request them, and whose actual identification was not allowed or required when those ballots magically entered the system, overwhelmingly benefitting Biden.  BS.  
Several courts have considered cases.  Most have said "technically, there is insufficient evidence to  overturn what happened."  Some have even acknowledged that fraud occurred, but "not in sufficient measure to change the result."  The absence of proof is not proof of absence of fraud.  It just means they covered their tracks well enough to avoid discovery, or that the court in question wanted a desired result and didn't consider the available evidence or the actual applicable law.  This has happened a lot in liberal-dominated circuits or jurisdictions, historically.  "Living document" and all of that.... The SCOTUS didn't say that no fraud occurred, or that Biden actually won; they said that the complainants didn't have standing to press their suit.  Two Justices disagreed, and the others didn't sign any majority opinion.  They simply hid behind an amorphous definition of "standing".  They prefer a legislative or electoral remedy to this crisis over a judicial one.  Millions of Americans, including me, believe this was dereliction of duty.
This level of electoral fraud, coupled with the actions that a Biden administration will take to further open our borders to illegal aliens and to perpetuate the mechanisms by which this fraud was accomplished, will make it impossible for a free and fair election to ever be held in America again.  Democrats will rule in perpetuity, using the fraud machine to make sure that they do.  If they get away with it now, it's over forever.  And they know it.
So where does this leave us?  America is now sharply divided into two countries, with radically different philosophies of life and governance.  These visions are not akin to "we both like pie, I just prefer apple and he likes peach."  They are diametrically opposed futures.  We aren't going to "work it out" or compromise.  THERE IS NO BASIS OF TRUST BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES.  None.  ZERO.  The Left has made it clear that they plan to radically change America, Constitution, law or consensus be damned.  They are going to MAKE us do what they want.  And one of the first things they plan to do is to radically attack Second Amendment rights in ways that are prima facie unconstitutional.  They don't give a damn, they are going to do it anyway (or so they think.)  They openly state that they plan to tell millions of Americans that they either have to turn in many millions of firearms and magazines that they currently legally own, or register them and pay a $200 tax for EACH ITEM.  EACH GUN.  EACH MAGAZINE.  News Flash:  WE WILL NOT COMPLY.  Period.  Not now, not ever.
And if and when they try to enforce this blatantly unconstitutional edict, bullets are going to fly.  Blood will be shed.  Lexington and Concord will be eclipsed by orders of magnitude.  And rightly so.
America cannot remain one nation under these conditions.  We haven't been "One Nation, Under God" in decades.  It's time to realize and accept that.  The best we can hope for is a negotiated breakup of the 50 states into two or three countries.  These new nations will split the federal assets including the armed forces, and sign a mutual defense treaty in case of external attack. They can execute free trade agreements or border control policies that make sense to them.  Then the Left can live in progressive crapholes like Portland, Seattle, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia and DC.  Red America will live in freedom and with meaningful immigration, voting and taxation laws, and with clear Constitutional freedoms assured and recognized.  Much significantly flawed past jurisprudence can be junked and a return to conservative values governing daily life can be enacted.  Live and let live, and let's see who prospers the most.  I'm quite confident in that outcome.
Or, the Left can try to compel the Red State citizens to remain in the current USA, and to fund their insane policies and endorse their radical actions with their taxes and compliance, against their will.  And that effort to force compliance will inevitably spark an actual shooting civil war.  The Right doesn't want to start that war; no one is talking about marching on Washington en masse, taking over the White House and executing traitorous politicians.  We just want our selves, our freedoms and our property to be respected and left the hell alone.  But the Left will not do that.  So when they do what they say they are going to do, resistance will quite rightly take place, the spark will strike and the war will start.  I think history makes that quite clear. And this will not be a battlefield "line up across from each other and have it out" kind of war like CW I.  It will be a full-on 4th-generation warfare civil war of subterfuge, assassination, sabotage and massive carnage on a personal, local scale.  There won't be regiments fighting...there will be cells.  Deadly little cells, killing on a micro-level.  Lots of them.  I know a few things about unstable nations, civil wars and decentralized insurgencies.  It's going to be ugly.  
The "Time for Choosing" I spoke of is twofold:  do we amicably divorce?  If so, what side does one choose to be on?  That may well involve relocation from where one now lives, and a different job than one now holds.  And if divorce doesn't take place in a negotiated, equitable fashion, and the Left in their hubris and historical and constitutional ignorance starts a civil war?  Same questions:  What side does one choose to be on?  What action is one willing to take to support their beliefs, to assure one's future, or to fulfil one's Oath of Office/Allegiance?  The American Revolution was fought with only THREE PERCENT of the colonists actively supporting the fight.  And they won against the preeminent military power on earth at the time.  There are by conservative estimates 130+ million gun owners in America today.  A great many of them are serving or retired military and/or police.  If one percent of them, one man or woman out of a hundred,  actively engage in a revolution against an attack on their freedoms, that is 1.3 MILLION armed patriots willing to kill or die to preserve their freedoms.  And that makes for an unthinkably bloody 4th Generation war, right here on our home soil.
We need to choose wisely.  
Yours,  Gunboat1


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1 hour ago, Gunboat1 said:
A friend sent me the following text in response to my earlier posting.  My reply back to him is quoted below for your consideration.  GB1
What are you trying to communicate here?  Are you asserting that everyone (including the Supreme Court, several lower courts, and Republicans) are trying to "steal" a Trump presidential election win from him when the numbers seem pretty clearly to the contrary?  All the evidence seems to point toward a Trump loss.  Are you suggesting civil war as a remedy to Trump's loss?  I don't understand.
Hi, XXXXX.  Yes, perhaps I should have been a bit more detailed in my commentary.  Many of the addressees on my earlier e-mail have been party to other, longer discussions.  So here is my position in greater detail.
 I believe it is irrefutable that electoral fraud took place in this election, on a massive scale.  See links below for specifics.  "All the evidence" does NOT point to a Biden win; that's just what the liberal media is shouting.  There are many others; I got tired of linking them.  We are supposed to believe that a corrupt, geriatric, senile, possible pedophile with a credible accuser of sexual assault in his background, who couldn't draw crowds measuring in the hundreds to his rallies, won with an unprecedented turnout of popular votes against a sitting president whose millions of supporters are rabidly enthusiastic about him.  More votes than either Clinton or Obama ever got?  He supposedly did so even though President Trump did BETTER across many traditional Democrat demographics than he did in 2016, and even though Republicans won numerous downballot races which were not forecast.  All those voters voted FOR Republican congressmen, but AGAINST Trump?  It simply is not logical.  It makes no sense.
Numerous documented instances of anomalies took place, with sworn testimony from many eyewitnesses reporting it...ALWAYS benefitting Biden.  Midnight totals overwhelmingly favoring Biden pouring in after counting was "stopped for the night."  More ballots cast than registered voters in some jurisdictions.  Even video evidence was recovered, and the mainstream media gaslighted us and told us not to believe our lying eyes.  Ballots were mailed by the millions to people who did not request them, and whose actual identification was not allowed or required when those ballots magically entered the system, overwhelmingly benefitting Biden.  BS.  
Several courts have considered cases.  Most have said "technically, there is insufficient evidence to  overturn what happened."  Some have even acknowledged that fraud occurred, but "not in sufficient measure to change the result."  The absence of proof is not proof of absence of fraud.  It just means they covered their tracks well enough to avoid discovery, or that the court in question wanted a desired result and didn't consider the available evidence or the actual applicable law.  This has happened a lot in liberal-dominated circuits or jurisdictions, historically.  "Living document" and all of that.... The SCOTUS didn't say that no fraud occurred, or that Biden actually won; they said that the complainants didn't have standing to press their suit.  Two Justices disagreed, and the others didn't sign any majority opinion.  They simply hid behind an amorphous definition of "standing".  They prefer a legislative or electoral remedy to this crisis over a judicial one.  Millions of Americans, including me, believe this was dereliction of duty.
This level of electoral fraud, coupled with the actions that a Biden administration will take to further open our borders to illegal aliens and to perpetuate the mechanisms by which this fraud was accomplished, will make it impossible for a free and fair election to ever be held in America again.  Democrats will rule in perpetuity, using the fraud machine to make sure that they do.  If they get away with it now, it's over forever.  And they know it.
So where does this leave us?  America is now sharply divided into two countries, with radically different philosophies of life and governance.  These visions are not akin to "we both like pie, I just prefer apple and he likes peach."  They are diametrically opposed futures.  We aren't going to "work it out" or compromise.  THERE IS NO BASIS OF TRUST BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES.  None.  ZERO.  The Left has made it clear that they plan to radically change America, Constitution, law or consensus be damned.  They are going to MAKE us do what they want.  And one of the first things they plan to do is to radically attack Second Amendment rights in ways that are prima facie unconstitutional.  They don't give a damn, they are going to do it anyway (or so they think.)  They openly state that they plan to tell millions of Americans that they either have to turn in many millions of firearms and magazines that they currently legally own, or register them and pay a $200 tax for EACH ITEM.  EACH GUN.  EACH MAGAZINE.  News Flash:  WE WILL NOT COMPLY.  Period.  Not now, not ever.
And if and when they try to enforce this blatantly unconstitutional edict, bullets are going to fly.  Blood will be shed.  Lexington and Concord will be eclipsed by orders of magnitude.  And rightly so.
America cannot remain one nation under these conditions.  We haven't been "One Nation, Under God" in decades.  It's time to realize and accept that.  The best we can hope for is a negotiated breakup of the 50 states into two or three countries.  These new nations will split the federal assets including the armed forces, and sign a mutual defense treaty in case of external attack. They can execute free trade agreements or border control policies that make sense to them.  Then the Left can live in progressive crapholes like Portland, Seattle, Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia and DC.  Red America will live in freedom and with meaningful immigration, voting and taxation laws, and with clear Constitutional freedoms assured and recognized.  Much significantly flawed past jurisprudence can be junked and a return to conservative values governing daily life can be enacted.  Live and let live, and let's see who prospers the most.  I'm quite confident in that outcome.
Or, the Left can try to compel the Red State citizens to remain in the current USA, and to fund their insane policies and endorse their radical actions with their taxes and compliance, against their will.  And that effort to force compliance will inevitably spark an actual shooting civil war.  The Right doesn't want to start that war; no one is talking about marching on Washington en masse, taking over the White House and executing traitorous politicians.  We just want our selves, our freedoms and our property to be respected and left the hell alone.  But the Left will not do that.  So when they do what they say they are going to do, resistance will quite rightly take place, the spark will strike and the war will start.  I think history makes that quite clear. And this will not be a battlefield "line up across from each other and have it out" kind of war like CW I.  It will be a full-on 4th-generation warfare civil war of subterfuge, assassination, sabotage and massive carnage on a personal, local scale.  There won't be regiments fighting...there will be cells.  Deadly little cells, killing on a micro-level.  Lots of them.  I know a few things about unstable nations, civil wars and decentralized insurgencies.  It's going to be ugly.  
The "Time for Choosing" I spoke of is twofold:  do we amicably divorce?  If so, what side does one choose to be on?  That may well involve relocation from where one now lives, and a different job than one now holds.  And if divorce doesn't take place in a negotiated, equitable fashion, and the Left in their hubris and historical and constitutional ignorance starts a civil war?  Same questions:  What side does one choose to be on?  What action is one willing to take to support their beliefs, to assure one's future, or to fulfil one's Oath of Office/Allegiance?  The American Revolution was fought with only THREE PERCENT of the colonists actively supporting the fight.  And they won against the preeminent military power on earth at the time.  There are by conservative estimates 130+ million gun owners in America today.  A great many of them are serving or retired military and/or police.  If one percent of them, one man or woman out of a hundred,  actively engage in a revolution against an attack on their freedoms, that is 1.3 MILLION armed patriots willing to kill or die to preserve their freedoms.  And that makes for an unthinkably bloody 4th Generation war, right here on our home soil.
We need to choose wisely.  
Yours,  Gunboat1


Here...FCUKING HERE!!!!  God Damnit!!!:angryfire:  AND, a bunch of us Old fcuks, that ain't military, but...Know guns.

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2 minutes ago, Swampfox762 said:

I'd appreciate you expanding on that...

After this "election"...My faith in "god" is dwindling...

Look at what America does to the unborn as just one example. Israel had many evil Kings before they were carried away into captivity.  I just feel that this must be a judgement upon America.  But God disciplines those whom He loves.


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1 minute ago, Silentpoet said:

Look at what America does to the unborn as just one example. Israel had many evil Kings before they were carried away into captivity.  I just feel that this must be a judgement upon America.  But God disciplines those whom He loves.


Respect ya sir, and some of your opinions.  I will only comment on this by saying, in My opinion..."god" has nothing to do with this world.  

Jesus referred to him (Satan) as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and Paul calls him “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) and “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). John makes a further distinction when he says: “We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). These references leave us with the question: In what sense does Satan “rule” the world?


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16 hours ago, Swampfox762 said:

I'd appreciate you expanding on that...

After this "election"...My faith in "god" is dwindling...

Romans 1:18-32. Note the instances of "God gave them over..."

We are a ways down that slide.

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There may never be another presidential election in this country.  If there is, there will never be another Republican president in this country.  The communists have taken control without firing a shot.  All elections going forward will be just for show.  All results have been predetermined.

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1 hour ago, aomagrat said:

There may never be another presidential election in this country.  If there is, there will never be another Republican president in this country.  The communists have taken control without firing a shot.  All elections going forward will be just for show.  All results have been predetermined.

My thoughts also.


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2 hours ago, aomagrat said:

There may never be another presidential election in this country.  If there is, there will never be another Republican president in this country.  The communists have taken control without firing a shot.  All elections going forward will be just for show.  All results have been predetermined.

Results are not predetermined, things will get worse, people will get more unhappy, then an even uglier top dog will emerge and offer everyone a better life if they just put him in charge. He will be more brutal and demanding than the last guy. Party infighting will be the future, but the people won't see it reported because they are not worthy.

We know it's the future because it's the past.

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