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Eric last won the day on February 6

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  1. I thought he was dead. Maybe I was thinking of his wife's passing, last year.
  2. On this day in 1980: "Operation Eagle Claw was a failed operation by the United States Armed Forces ordered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter to attempt the rescue of 52 embassy staff held captive at the Embassy of the United States, Tehran on 24 April 1980. The operation, one of Delta Force's first, encountered many obstacles and failures and was subsequently aborted. Eight helicopters were sent to the first staging area called Desert One, but only five arrived in operational condition.[2] One had encountered hydraulic problems, another was caught in a sand storm, and the third showed signs of a cracked rotor blade. During the operational planning, it was decided that the mission would be aborted if fewer than six helicopters remained operational upon arrival at the Desert One site, despite only four being absolutely necessary.[2] In a move that is still discussed in military circles, the field commanders advised President Carter to abort the mission, which he did. As the U.S. forces prepared to withdraw from Desert One, one of the remaining helicopters crashed into a transport aircraft that contained both servicemen and jet fuel. The resulting fire destroyed both aircraft and killed eight servicemen." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Eagle_Claw In commemoration of this sad day, we should go bomb the piss out of Iran. Maybe take a leak on Carter's grave as well.
  3. I wonder what Genghis Kahn would think of Mongolia's army today?
  4. This is why no one fights Switzerland. If you win, you are the guys who beat up on guys dressed like that. If you lose, you are the guys who got beat up by guys dressed like that. It's your classic no-win scenario.
  5. Just think, there are kids in that crowd dreaming of doing that one day. Poor, misguided bastards.
  6. You know, if he is going to be hosing people with an M-60, he should really be wearing his hat. I'm just saying. I don't think it is official if you aren't wearing a hat.
  7. I was thinking Starship Troopers, but the Starship Troopers uniforms have a NAZI vibe to them. I know the makers of the movie wanted to give a negative spin to politics of the movie, but a lot of ideas put forth made a lot of sense to me. What is wrong with people having to put something in to have a say in how things run?
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